LTD's First Grow Log, CFL only


Active Member
still no noticeable new growth...iduno wats goin on with the bitchs...i Fimm'ed 2 of them,, they havnt regrown anything yet...
just out of curiosity, why the 2-2700k lights. I know somebody using the SAME set up but with only the 4-6500k. The plants are further along than yours by probably a couple weeks and are looking VERY healthy. Maybe you know something that I don't but I always heard to hold off on the 2700's untill they are ready for the flowiering stage. Not trying to shit-talk...just trying to understand. Peace.


Active Member
i dont have 2700k's running i have 6 6500ks running

i usually run 1 or 2 2700k's for a dual spectrum effect...

but they melted the top of my refridge so when flowering comes i have to put metal ceiling on my fridge haha...

Why would my growth be stunted this bad guys ? i dunno how transfering could stop ALL growth for 3 fuckin days....


Well-Known Member
i dont have 2700k's running i have 6 6500ks running

i usually run 1 or 2 2700k's for a dual spectrum effect...

but they melted the top of my refridge so when flowering comes i have to put metal ceiling on my fridge haha...

Why would my growth be stunted this bad guys ? i dunno how transfering could stop ALL growth for 3 fuckin days....
dont let it stress you man it is from the transplanting dont fret they will be ok man paitience young grasshopper hahaha i had to say that no offense bro they will bounce back


Active Member
i really dont think they are going to... no new growth for 3 days in retarded long...

they are only get droopier and droopier and more and more leaves are fading from light green to dark green to yellow


Well-Known Member
give em some nutes go get some fish emulshion give em some euperthrive a drop a gallon they r ready for em post some pics so i can see and we can get this fixed ciz i wouldent want you to loose your plants man


Active Member
i gave them bone meal yesterday, as well as fimming 2 of them so i could absolutly not miss new growth when it happens( cuase sometimes i look and dont even remember wat was there)

I cant get pictures up for about 2 hours but ill post them tonight with a non blurry camera


Active Member
These plants are soooo old...and so small for their age...

i plan to just re germinate 20 bag seeds and start over i think...The orginals......these plants will remain till wednesday if they don't noticable growth i plan to just give up on them. B/c i am moving...taking failing plants doesnt seem worth it..


Active Member
I' ve been bummmmeeedd about this plants and ive done minor lookin into the signs..

And i found this after actually sitting down and looking at numerous resources...

Plants that are droopy can be commonly caused by running outta root space, and b/c i transfered my plants into a smaller pot i think my plants think they are outta room ...

Any opinions on this would help....

I plan to transfer maybe just one of them into a pot thats bigger and see if it perks up almost immediately....

Also how long would it really take for a plant to instnatly or slowly over a week or so?( from a transfer not from bad conditions.)

and pit......just lol....haha....HOPE AND CHANGE! is what i want in my box..maybe not america haha


Well-Known Member
hahaha yea man it is prolly from goin to smaller potd but trust me give them some time dont move anymore into different pots, add nutes get some fish emulshion whats the n-p-k of your bonemeal0-12-0 get some seed extract its got 10-4-1 and fish emulshion is 5-1-0 or 1 for the end and those should help man try it and get back to me


Active Member
i cant afford to go searching for all this stuff it takes me hours to find anything around here i i have bone meal 6-9-0....and its basically all i plan to use till flowering when i can afford bloomer shit


Well-Known Member
i cant afford to go searching for all this stuff it takes me hours to find anything around here i i have bone meal 6-9-0....and its basically all i plan to use till flowering when i can afford bloomer shit
well where you got the bone meal they will have fish emulshion its only 5 bucks and definatly worth it man definaty try and get some bro i think it will help and i know how you feel when i first got started i had to go to a bunch of greenhouses and look dumb but i figured it out so will you it will work man


Well-Known Member
well add them togther and it will up the value the n-p-k all togther ya feel me it would be 11-9-0 and the first is what you want for vigirous growth the 11 and the middle number you want higher during flowering im using all three man and having good results the ten i have that r new r in 6 oz cups and doin good