I'd like advice on this idea


I had an idea on how to start clones/seeds, using air stones in a 6" high under bed storage bin.

Of course I would take the time to light proof the container, ect.

I was running this idea by you guys, but essentially what I'm looking for is:

An active cloning bed that promotes rapid growth and that's able to do so in a tight space.

Any comments on how plausible or implausible this idea is? Has anyone tried something like this?

I only have an 18" high space to work with and I want something at least a little more entertaining than just a regular cloning tray.



Well-Known Member
I dont see why this wont work. i assume you know that rooting gel would help too and how to cut at 45degree angle and take a little bit off the side of the stem blah blah blah right?


Oh definitely, I just wasn't sure if there would be unforeseen problems, like not enough oxygen in the water ect. Technically with the shape of the container I would have enough room for 2 air stones so I don't think it would be a problem.

Also another question, would the clones root submerged in water like that? Or is that the whole idea of DWC? (Again I've only worked with a drip hydro system, and I'm endeavoring into a more advanced system which works best in conjunction with a cloning table)


Well-Known Member
I think that it will root in water so long as you dip it in the gel and all that stuff and have a couple air stones. Keep me posted...


Well-Known Member
Oh definitely, I just wasn't sure if there would be unforeseen problems, like not enough oxygen in the water ect. Technically with the shape of the container I would have enough room for 2 air stones so I don't think it would be a problem.

Also another question, would the clones root submerged in water like that? Or is that the whole idea of DWC? (Again I've only worked with a drip hydro system, and I'm endeavoring into a more advanced system which works best in conjunction with a cloning table)
they will root in the water but your gel will wash off also. i think they may need a starter root going before being submerged in the water. maybe a fogger? with a tub that size a small one would do nicely!:lol:


I was looking into a fogger for it, but alas I don't even know where to start w/ that. Price is also a concern for me, I pretty much blew my cash putting together a larger aeroponic system, so I need something that wont completely break the bank.

If you have a fogger in mind, or can point me in the direction towards ones I should look at it, that would be great. =D

I'll def post some pics once I get everything up and running. Won't be for a while, my last clones didn't stick so I have to flower out my current girl and start another one.