I called in sick today too actually, but since I quit smoking for a few days to lower my tolerance... No smoking.shit man i went 9 years having a cup of tea with a spliff in the bath before work. n i mean never missed a day. i don't now. but only as i stopped smoking tobacco.
i went to work ripped 3 days on the trot n told them i had pink eye. if ytou turn up on the first day tired looking with pink eye they generally just think thats how you look ( unless their a stoner in which case BONUS work spliffs! )
LOLi went to work ripped 3 days on the trot n told them i had pink eye. if ytou turn up on the first day tired looking with pink eye they generally just think thats how you look
I get baked and work around the DEA, then play $40,000,000 Tetris by towing Gulfstream jets into hangars. Pushing it? Naaaaaah.
back when i worked for other people(eeewwww!) i would go to interviews high, first day high, ect so thats how they thought i looked. all id and drivers photos were snapped baked as well.LOL
I worked with a friend that followed that line of thinking. He would come to work stoned and take one hitters all day and then finish up with a cigarette so nobody ever suspected anything. Every once in a while someone would mention something about his eyes being bloodshot or his stoner giggle and someone would say "he's not high - he is always like that."
Always made me laugh because he would always say that pot is the only thing that allowed him to cope with being a working class stiff.