

Well-Known Member
can everyone calm down and just puff puff pass shish its just as easy to but a freaking water chiller and you dont need h2o2 peace out


Well-Known Member
is it ok to mix with products such as floranova and iguana juice? how much do you add to a gal. of water? is it ok to use if your plants are healthy and growing good? or is it just for problems?


just some guy
thats what im trying to say man. I was lookin all over for hydro h202. I thought you had to get a certain h202 for only hydro and was fustrated as hell since i havent found one in a week.

Sorry i freaked out man was havin a very bad day and just made me mad when you were sayin i didnt look around for shit when i was lookin for like a week all over the net for a HYDRO h202 and went to 3 hydro shops lookin for it. When you look up hydro h2o2 in a search you come up with nothing. No 900 results. And thats what i was getting everywhere! Well sorry i freaked out but at least see where i was comin from man. I put alot of work into this and i was being told i didnt do shit. Gets fustrating man. Sorry
I dont think you need to apologize. There are nice and tactful ways to say things, and potlike didnt take that route. Advice or not, if he/she cant be nice about urging you to do a better search, or help you learn how to search better... I like you're reply about shutting the fuck up. I've been looking for H202 as well, and could only find it on ebay, I did a search for horticultural grade... nada.

I'm going to order some from Fletch's link (VERY cool guy, I have a system he built, that kicks ass, RIU wont let me rep him anymore..heh.)

I've used 3% but only out of desperation.


just some guy
can everyone calm down and just puff puff pass shish its just as easy to but a freaking water chiller and you dont need h2o2 peace out
Know of any places to get good priced water chillers? I'm going to drill a hole in my fridge and run 1/4 inch line coil through the small fridge.

I'm not usually cheap, but if you want to make a good grow, it could break you at first!



Well-Known Member
does anyone have problems with the 35% h202 slowly raising their PH? if yes what did you do to stabilize your PH? Btw I am using a DWC system. My PH was 5.6 when I changed my rez on friday and by sunday of that same weekend it was 7.8. I change my rez out once per week and clear it every other week before I change. Here is what I am using in the rez:
AN connasiuer A&B
big bud liquid