

i'm a first timer and my plants have been looking healthy until I checked them today the new leaves growing are yellow. They still look healthy... not drooping just yellow. Is this from over-watering? Or am i missing something? They are in moisture control miracle grow and I have been using tap water for watering.


mine are doing the exact same thing. how big are yours? and is it just the bottom ones or all of em?


mine are doing the exact same thing. how big are yours? and is it just the bottom ones or all of em?

They're about 6" tall and it's only happening on the newest leaves. Not the old or bottom ones. How often do you water? I think my problem was over watering but I'm not sure


Well-Known Member
most likly the bottom leves are not geting enuff sunlight due to the leaves above. not sure tho some pics would help..


Active Member
Sounds like my problem. I unknowingly shocked my two girls w/ 1200 ppm the first day of flowering.

3 of my tops turned yellow and that was it. Im now starting my 4th week of flower and they've been growing but I haven't been able to kick out that yellow!

After some research I think I "may have" found my problem

I knew it was some sort of iron problem by the area that was affeced.

I think it was the excess of phosforus the 1st day of flowering that screwed up my iron and zinc intake.

I don't have a solution 4 your problem, wish I did. Just thought I'd share.



i water everyday or sometimes even skip a day. about 350-400 mls or so then leaf feed...every day or so i go back and the soil is crusty so i throw another 350-400mls or less in there. i dno it may be wrong but it works cuz i dont have drooping leaves at all so it works for me! and their growing nicely.


Here is an attached photo of the couple showing the worst yellowing. Any advice? They're under a 400W MH, and were just transplanted into their bigger pots a couple days ago.



Active Member
CFL fine, HPS/MH... Start as high as you can and work them down a couple of inches every day. Full grown plants can handle like 8 - 12 inches.