I think my seeds died?


Hey, I am very new to growing (1st time) and I think I killed my White Widow seeds. I germed them on june 10th using plain white paper towels, zip lock bag and heating pad. They started to sprot so I put them in pot with organic soil, with little water and under a plant light. 2 days later there were no more sprot. Are they really dead or is there something I can do? These were very high quility seeds. Any ideas? Thanks!


New Member
Hey, I am very new to growing (1st time) and I think I killed my White Widow seeds. I germed them on june 10th using plain white paper towels, zip lock bag and heating pad. They started to sprot so I put them in pot with organic soil, with little water and under a plant light. 2 days later there were no more sprot. Are they really dead or is there something I can do? These were very high quility seeds. Any ideas? Thanks!
How deep did you plant them man? That might be your problem. You should check if they have sprouted underground and if so just clear the top dirt off and let nature take its course. ;-)

Also you might have not given them enough time to sprout yet. Usually it takes around 2 days for my seeds to germ and around another 2 for them to sprout their first set of leaves. And my seeds are just some regs. So your high quality seeds should perform even better. Although this is not a sure-fire thing. All seeds are different.


New Member
Oh and which way did you plant the tail? Up or down? Because it's the seeds first root it should be planted going down. Hope this helps you man.


Well-Known Member
did u use room temperatured water? and did u get rid or the chlorine ? im new to growing but if you gave them cold water u can stunt there growth or kill them


Active Member
Oh and which way did you plant the tail? Up or down? Because it's the seeds first root it should be planted going down. Hope this helps you man.
i planted my germed seeds with the sprout pointing up n 6 outta 7 grew into seedlings.. i found that works too..bongsmilie


Thanks Dude for the info. I think you are right. I didn't let them germ very long. I will try wjat you said to do. Thanks!


I gave them room temp distiled water. I heard distiled was better then letting tap water sit for 12 hours. Is that true?


Active Member
Oh and the white bit that sprouts out is the root (I think it's called the 'tap root'). It doesn't matter which way around you plant it. Seeds are sensed by gravity, so know which way is up and down. It will some how turn and end up in the right direction so don't fret.


Active Member
No!!! Don't do that and why would you want to??? Just keep them moist in the pot and hope they take hold. 2 days isn't really that long and it could take a lil while for it to sprout - mine took bloody long enough!

Don't dig about in the pot either. It will upset them.

Just leave them planted in the soil, look after them, keep the soil warm and moist. You'll soon see a lil green sprout above the surface within the next couple of days.


New Member
i planted my germed seeds with the sprout pointing up n 6 outta 7 grew into seedlings.. i found that works too..bongsmilie
Yeah i've heard about growing that way. I just dont understand how the little seeds grow that way though because its their first root and from what i know roots go down not up. Hmm maybe i should toke up and just ponder about how the seedling does it? :bigjoint:


Active Member
Yeah i've heard about growing that way. I just dont understand how the little seeds grow that way though because its their first root and from what i know roots go down not up. Hmm maybe i should toke up and just ponder about how the seedling does it? :bigjoint:
haha plz do...:bigjoint:


Active Member
Yeah i've heard about growing that way. I just dont understand how the little seeds grow that way though because its their first root and from what i know roots go down not up. Hmm maybe i should toke up and just ponder about how the seedling does it? :bigjoint:
haha plz do..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Those seeds don't need to be under light to sprout. My strongest plant was a white widow that I germed in darkness and planted it in soil that was in the cupboard. Sometimes the light dries out the soil which needs to be moist. If they are in the dark and hqvnt sprouted in 2 weeks then yea there dead.