X box & Baked's virgin grow


Well-Known Member
Thanx Man ! I want to tie them down 1 more time today then just let them go . The Sour Diesel seems to be so viney . Not sure if that will help or hurt us with low head room . Blue Dream seems to be the bushy-est of the group . I think the bushy plants are what we need with a 6'5" head height . Any input ?


Well-Known Member
OK we have some pics when we first took them out of the room and into the sunlight . Then we have a pic of them staked down and we have transfered the one in the small pot to a normal pot . We gave a good dose of nutes today @ 500ppm . We think they look great for a little over a month but not sure . Also we are seeing little white hairs comming off the stem where fan leavs and other stems come off .



Well-Known Member
Looks great. LST is great pre-training for a scrog. Looks like you are well on your way. Do you have a fan blowing over the plants? if no you should get one. Also what about nutrients? I also recommend the BMO (Blue Mountain Organics). Damn good stuff. Plus it would be hard to burn with the stuff... its organic. Congrats on a great start! :-)


Well-Known Member
Looks great. LST is great pre-training for a scrog. Looks like you are well on your way. Do you have a fan blowing over the plants? if no you should get one. Also what about nutrients? I also recommend the BMO (Blue Mountain Organics). Damn good stuff. Plus it would be hard to burn with the stuff... its organic. Congrats on a great start! :-)
Thanks for the input . Yes we have 2 fans blowing on them . We are using sensi-bloom , not organic . Arm Length Buds said go organic as well , but my partner had allready bought this stuff . Black bottle with green sticker for veg and Purple sticker for bloom . Right now we are feeding with 600 ppm . Wed probably go to 700 ppm .


Well-Known Member
So we are @ 5 weeks and still running 18/6 600w MH
We are going to get ready for the screen next week and hopefully flower @ the end of next week .
Using Sensi - bloom nutes 600 ppm



Well-Known Member
OK , gave the girls a haircut today . We wanted to clean out the lower growth that is just sucking energy . The first pics are before the cut . Later pics are after the cut . I think the stems are looking great after cleaning out the inner growth . We have put them on a table so we can have drainage while under the scrog . We are still nuteing @ 600ppm , with Sensi-Grow .



Well-Known Member
So we are now at 7 weeks . We changed the light to a HPS 1000w . We are on 12/12 now as well . We put the screen up the same day we turned the lights back . I don't think we should have done that , I wish we would have vegged for another week . Here are pics from today before "tucking" the stems under the screen , then some after .



Well-Known Member
A couple of more pics , and a couple of observations . No way in hell should we have tried to scrog three different strains . Now some grow tall and some bushy , so the light heigth is a problem . Some are going to mature faster than others so harvesting will take 3 times of clipping . They take different water levels and nute levels . 2nd is our room is way to small . We will be expanding after this round . I can't wait to hit them with the bud hardener and harvest . My camera is taking bad photos with the HPS light . Iwill try to get some good pics up . But anything that looks like a brite star in our screen is a starting bud and we have a lot .



Well-Known Member
Ya , it smells GOOD !! I am astonished at the buds we are getting . And a lot of it has to do with Roll It Up . Thanks guys . We are getting pretty big buds and I think we are ready for gravity . But I don't want to add it too early . How do we know when to Harvest ? What do you guys thin k of our Noobie Buds ? We don't really know what we should be expecting , but we are happy with our results so far .


Well-Known Member
The pics for 7.25.09



Well-Known Member
We are now close to harvest . But we are not sure when to do it . Can someone help us with that ? Our budz are getting nice and big , also we just finished with Gravity on our 3 plants closest to harvest.



some pics of the clones we moved into the next cycle, some pics of the roots after we cut them down. pics of buds harvested. and hanging



Well-Known Member
Finally wraped up our first grow . We more than saved enough to cover the equipment we bought but we have bought more sense then . So we are still in the hole a little bit . Also growing 3 different strains is a HUGE pain in the ass !!!! It did teach us Blue Dream is the strain we want to grow , but mixing 3 different batches of noots , 3 different harvests , 3 of everything is time consuming . Thanks to all that helped us . And thanks R.I.U. !!!