Dosage and Prep Methods Teas, poultice, tinctures. The completely dried herb can be sprinkled onto food. The fresh young plants cooked until tender are excellent with just a little butter.
Remedies using Nettle Properties
Health Benefits **Pain relieving *,Astringent *,Tonic *,Purifying the blood, body *, Health Uses, Treatments and Remedies
Allergies/hay FeverStinging nettle contains natural antihistamines and anti-inflammatories (including quercetin), that open up constricted bronchial and nasal passages. Some herbal authorities assert that no other remedy eases hay fever symptoms so markedly.
ArthritisThe anti-inflammatory substances join with the rich concentration of the minerals boron and silicon to help ease the pain of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, tendinitis and bursitis. The leaves can be used raw and applied directly to the rheumatic pain area, they increase circulation and draw out pain.
AsthmaNettle is anti-asthmatic, the juice of the roots or leaves, mixed with honey or sugar will relieve bronchial and asthmatic troubles, and the dried leaves, burnt and inhaled will have the same effect.
(11)ChildbirthUsed to stimulate mothers milk, and to restore a woman's energy after childbirth.
Female TonicsA good general tonic of the female reproductive system, excellent for young women just starting their monthly cycle,as well as women entering menopause.
(17)MenorrhagiaA specific remedy for excessive menstruation, it helps control and prevent hemorrhaging.
OsteoporosisThe boron in nettles helps protect bones
PMSHelps reduce water retention and soothes PMS symptoms.
Prostate healthFor the purposes of men's sexual health, the key ingredients in stinging nettles are the sterols, that appear to lessen the action of DHT, the form of testosterone that causes the prostate to enlarge.
Sexual tonicsSeveral studies have shown that stinging nettles can keep your testosterone circulating freely and keep you feeling sexually vital.
Side Effects: The sting of the nettle can cause a rash in some people. It is a strange fact the the juice of the nettle can provide relief for its own sting. It can also be relieved by rubbing leaves of rosemary, mint or sage. Plant Nettles, despite their perfect adaptation to North America, are not native but where brought over from England by John Josselyn. This hardy plant can be seen on nature walks throughout temperate regions throughout the world and presents a pretty and delicate array of greenish-white flowers, and of course the bristles and hairs that put the 'sting' into stinging nettles.
Nettles prefer soil rich in nitrogen and their presence in the garden signals it's presence. If you have access to a healthy patch of wild nettle, it might be easier to harvest them, rather than trying to get nettle to grow where you want it to. Gather the plants when young, before they bloom. You can boil the fresh greens and serve like spinach, or dry for future use. Gloves and long sleeve shirts should be worn when handling nettle plants. If you get stung, grasp a piece of the stem and squeeze the juice onto the affected area. Quick TipsQuick Tips
Flies dislike nettles and a bunch hung by the kitchen door or in your garden will keep them out.