This juust in. Mass exodus of californians


New Member
The first level of health responsibility lies with you, not a stranger (employer).

If you pay yourself (horrors), you will benefit from interest while you are healthy.


Well-Known Member
The first level of health responsibility lies with you, not a stranger (employer).

If you pay yourself (horrors), you will benefit from interest while you are healthy.
how the fuck do you pay yourself when you work for someone else?
so you don't believe in benefits? :neutral:


Active Member
No offense but being a californian from an agricultural small town that bases its economy around providing crops, milk, and other resources for the rest of the country would like to say screw you. I would love to see plastic tits, plastic people, and even have a credit card which I dont. You are assuming that all of california is LA or Hollywood when in fact your wrong!!! Our farmers are still here. We are fighting for water rights to put more food on YOUR tables yet "were plastic people" man must be nice to be a keyboard cowboy and criticize the whole state based on one region. Just because of what goes on in LA or the bigger areas doesnt mean that were all the same. There are still hard working people!!! Research where most of your cotton and corn come from. Not to mention milk. Why dont you explore all of Ca. before you put your ignorant 2 cents in. And sorry Im not one to bash anyone. I was raised to be respectful and hard working so when someone stereotypes me as a "plastic person" I say go screw yourself. I agree theres some people that NEED to get the F out of California, but for everyone of those people there is a good hard working one that works day and night to provide cotton, corn, alfalfa, milk, and much more for your kids and your family and your tables.


Well-Known Member
The first level of health responsibility lies with you, not a stranger (employer).

If you pay yourself (horrors), you will benefit from interest while you are healthy.
and when i spend more time with my employer than i do my family, he is NOT a stranger. i guess you missed the 5 years part. this included months out of town living with him in a hotel. he was NO stranger. :eyesmoke::bigjoint:


New Member
It's the same as social security. Drop out of it. Pay yourself. Funny how strange that sounds to folks. If your insurance is going to be 400 a month, put 400 in an investment vehicle instead. In just 2 years you will have 9600 at hand NOT counting interest made (which should be 5 -10%+).

I used "stranger" as a general term. The idea that someone else is somehow responsible for my health is foreign to me. If you go in for let's say a root canal at the dentists office, you will be quoted somewhere around 1500 WITH insurance. Now I can guarantee you that if Cracker is the very next patient with the identical problem, the bill will be no more than 700.


Well-Known Member
No offense but being a californian from an agricultural small town that bases its economy around providing crops, milk, and other resources for the rest of the country would like to say screw you. I would love to see plastic tits, plastic people, and even have a credit card which I dont. You are assuming that all of california is LA or Hollywood when in fact your wrong!!! Our farmers are still here. We are fighting for water rights to put more food on YOUR tables yet "were plastic people" man must be nice to be a keyboard cowboy and criticize the whole state based on one region. Just because of what goes on in LA or the bigger areas doesnt mean that were all the same. There are still hard working people!!! Research where most of your cotton and corn come from. Not to mention milk. Why dont you explore all of Ca. before you put your ignorant 2 cents in. And sorry Im not one to bash anyone. I was raised to be respectful and hard working so when someone stereotypes me as a "plastic person" I say go screw yourself. I agree theres some people that NEED to get the F out of California, but for everyone of those people there is a good hard working one that works day and night to provide cotton, corn, alfalfa, milk, and much more for your kids and your family and your tables.
No one's insulting the farmers in California, and actually the post was more aimed at the assbackwards urban yokels on the coast. Surely, you're not trying to say that you'd willingly invite them to work in your fields with you?

Though speaking of water rights, what's the latest on that? I remember reading about it in some newspaper some time ago.


Well-Known Member
gov has gotten to big. plain and simple. Reason the taxes are going up and reason why Obama is hiring more Federal employees, it can't be sustained. Once the gov gets to a point it will come crashing down.


Well-Known Member
It's the same as social security. Drop out of it. Pay yourself. Funny how strange that sounds to folks. If your insurance is going to be 400 a month, put 400 in an investment vehicle instead. In just 2 years you will have 9600 at hand NOT counting interest made (which should be 5 -10%+).

I used "stranger" as a general term. The idea that someone else is somehow responsible for my health is foreign to me. If you go in for let's say a root canal at the dentists office, you will be quoted somewhere around 1500 WITH insurance. Now I can guarantee you that if Cracker is the very next patient with the identical problem, the bill will be no more than 700.
someone else is responsible for your mortgage. a bill is a bill.

insurance is free if my employer offers it.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i agree superdave people love to generalize california produces more than most other states in a number of ways. if california fell into the sea it would severely strain the rest of the country.


New Member
A mortgage and health insurance are not the same thing. That's not apples to apples. You may mean mortgage insurance....? If so, again that is about risk and credit, not health and illness. Someone is willing to FRONT you (their risk) monies. They want to be protected, and should be.

And of course you always have the option of paying your mortgage off early and not having MI. I have always paid my mortgages off early.

P.S. That last sentence on your post is a real doosey!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
A mortgage and health insurance are not the same thing. That's not apples to apples. You may mean mortgage insurance....? If so, again that is about risk and credit, not health and illness. Someone is willing to FRONT you (their risk) monies. They want to be protected, and should be.

And of course you always have the option of paying your mortgage off early and not having MI. I have always paid my mortgages off early.

P.S. That last sentence on your post is a real doosey!! :lol:

apparently you live in a whole different world. :neutral:


New Member
A fiscally responsible one? :wink: The idea is self reinforcing. Once you begin, the advantages become very plain, and just like that, it dominoes. But yes, I was taught this at a young age, and it has served me well, just like my Uncle promised it would. Today's society has lost that, and that's really too bad.

Big P

Well-Known Member
its just math people, everyone cant just have a nice grill in thier mouth and have the government pay for it as it is not sustainable

for the people who say "if you dont like calli just leave"

how about stop ruining what used to be the 5th largest economy in the whole entire world. and its not even a country

california is not just for californians,

as you can see arni has already been to washington with his hand out begging for money. Similar to a crackhead

if anything good will come out of this, its that califonia should be a reminder to all of us that you cant get somthing for nothing, as eventualy everyone will have nothing in the end.

its like a massive ponzy sceme

how many billions are spent on illigal allians in califonia? Im afraid to find out

and you found one. I live in the south:bigjoint: way to demonize the whole southern part of your nation.

as the politicians solidify thier re-elections year after year. they keep giving away free drinks to everyone so you will vote for them.

your being played like a bitch. once your fucked you will never see them again, then you find out you got aids and 4 mexican twins in your belly;-)


New Member
its just math people, everyone cant just have a nice grill in thier mouth and have the government pay for it as it is not sustainable

for the people who say "if you dont like calli just leave"

how about stop ruining what used to be the 5th largest economy in the whole entire world. and its not even a country

california is not just for californians,

as you can see arni has already been to washington with his hand out begging for money. Similar to a crackhead

if anything good will come out of this, its that califonia should be a reminder to all of us that you cant get somthing for nothing, as eventualy everyone will have nothing in the end.

its like a massive ponzy sceme

how many billions are spent on illigal allians in califonia? Im afraid to find out

and you found one. I live in the south:bigjoint: way to demonize the whole southern part of your nation.

as the politicians solidify thier re-elections year after year. they keep giving away free drinks to everyone so you will vote for them.

your being played like a bitch. once your fucked you will never see them again, then you find out you got aids and 4 mexican twins in your belly;-)

What? you lost me.

Big P

Well-Known Member
What? you lost me.

ok translation:

the polititions just want to give us free drinks(handouts) and get us drunk(to get us to vote for them) but all the while they are fucking us and giving us aids and unwated pregnancies(collapsing the economy sending jobs overseas, increaseing welfare rolls, encouraging bad work ethic etc etc...) then once all this happens they will leave and all your left with is a slow death from aids and 4 twins driving you nuts:blsmoke:

maybe some san fran californians can shed some light on somthing for me. Whats the deal with nacy pelosi? im trying to see it from thier point of view. how could they vote in such a hypocritical self serving witch over and over for so many years in a row? that betty is nuts

what am i missing thats so good about her. seems you could find someone else with the same views but atleast not so devisive and it would serve your purposes much better no?
