Had to Transplant my girl during flowering

Hey everyone...I had to transplant my girl from one pot to a bigger pot and she's about 2 weeks into flowering with decent little buds on her...I know its not a good thing to do but it had to be done, anyone have any tips for me so she doesnt get schocked? I didnt touch the root ball much and gave her some root ferts to get them going...I spray her with water every now and then also to keep her from drying out...


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone...I had to transplant my girl from one pot to a bigger pot and she's about 2 weeks into flowering with decent little buds on her...I know its not a good thing to do but it had to be done, anyone have any tips for me so she doesnt get schocked? I didnt touch the root ball much and gave her some root ferts to get them going...I spray her with water every now and then also to keep her from drying out...
use superthrive and should be ok, two weeks in not too bad...ideally you would of planted them into there pots prior to flower but oh well. Might be delayed a little but should not be too bad...why did you have to repot? once into mid flower they dont really create more roots.

not a good idea to spray them during flower as you could get mold

I re-potted it becasue the roots were coming out the holes in the bottom of the pot so i figured it would get root bound before it was ready to harvest i figured they'd keep creating more roots becasue they grow so much during flowering...


Well-Known Member
I would of done the same thing(I've transplanted in flower numerous times). I rarely notice shock in most of my transplants. If they have a big healthy root ball it's a piece of cake. Water then after the transplant to get them soaked into their new home, and that's it.


Well-Known Member
I re-potted it becasue the roots were coming out the holes in the bottom of the pot so i figured it would get root bound before it was ready to harvest i figured they'd keep creating more roots becasue they grow so much during flowering...

if ya have the room, could of just stuck the pot into another pot of dirt...less stress no delay....count this as a lesson learned.....next time transplant earlier or start it in a bigger pot. Its not healthy to transplant during flower no matter how gentle you are no matter how many times...should only have to do it once maybe twice IMO otherwise your not paying attention close enough to your plants.

yea i didnt expect her to get this big and at first i thought she'd have enough room to finish her cycle but i started to get nervous so i figured i'd transplant now because its in the early flower stage...I've been keeping her wet.....the leaves around the main colas are curling down kinda looking like heat stress... should i move the light further away until shes comfy in her new pot maybe?...


Well-Known Member
yea i didnt expect her to get this big and at first i thought she'd have enough room to finish her cycle but i started to get nervous so i figured i'd transplant now because its in the early flower stage...I've been keeping her wet.....the leaves around the main colas are curling down kinda looking like heat stress... should i move the light further away until shes comfy in her new pot maybe?...
i have noticed that when the tips curl, they generally do not come back out if it....so as long as other leaves are not continuing to curl...i think your ok...how close is she? i would really be careful spraying them while in flower.....also if she is close the droplets could cause hot spots and burn them

She's about 1 foot away right now the buds still look good and the hairs are still all standing straight up just the leaves are curling...i put her in her new pot last night so it hasnt even been 24 hours yet..


Well-Known Member
She's about 1 foot away right now the buds still look good and the hairs are still all standing straight up just the leaves are curling...i put her in her new pot last night so it hasnt even been 24 hours yet..
you can try and lower the plant or raise the light and see the reaction.....any fans in there? blowing across the top will help.

the leaves are still curled but it seems to be growing still :)
Check the side-edges of the leaves. If they are facing upwards then it's a sign of heat stress. Do not judge off of new growth on top of the plant (though they usually show first signs of stress and signs of light/heat placement). You can recheck your method by putting an ice pack in your grow room to bring temp down. If plants begin to show signs of improvement - you know. Also, check the temps on your gauge and make sure they are staying below 79 degrees during the hottest part of the day. Watering frequency should become more often throughout the life of the plant. If you have found yourself with high temps and drought conditions, I would recommend these products.

1. Super thrive (very important)
2. Silica Blasts (most important)
3. Cal Mag +
4. Diamond Nector

This will all help your plant with stress conditions (including transplanting) within this phase. This helps stabilize root growth and help photosynthesis and cell walls.

I have plants that reach 90 degrees during the day, but keeping good ventiliaztion and the humidity low at a stable 40-50 helps tremendously.

This might help ya, but every grower has different conditions and stresses. Judge off your own learning. This is just recommendations and good luck brotha!