• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!


Active Member
my friend and his buddy had some similar bought at a headshop, and he told me the same thing. I told him I had some and he said oh I di that before, and nothing happened (with supposed 40 x), I told him this 10x will blow his mind, he didn't believe me and I had to convinve him. He took 2 small one hitters of 10x and within 30 seconds was stuck to the couch on a carnival ride. He explained it like he was out of his body spinning around the room and as I was talking to him I would fade in and out as he passed by me. after it was over, I asked him what he thought and his exact words were "give me time to think about what just happened". So just because something is packaged pretty and say 40x does not mean it is, the 40 x I got puts you into a nowwhere land that I dont like, ut scares me so i stick with 10x every once in a while more like every 2-3 months I try it. The shameful thing is you prob spent a lot on that, when you can get an ounce of really good 10x for just over a hundred bucks and it will last for years.:spew::mrgreen: sorry this happened to your friend from garbage, salvia should simply smell like strong sage, and not make you sick, I have never heard of it tasting that bad as to make one sick. Amd a whole gram between 2, that would create a nightmarish effect that I would not want to see, the amount of 10x (that is made correctly) to get great visuals is about 1/10 of a gram. 2 small one hits is all it takes. Also when smokking it you must keep a good lighter on it full time until its cashed (as it has a high vaporizing tempature) and must hold what you get in for at least 30 seconds. So if you passed it in a bowl, and lit it one time you may not get the same effect, thats why mixing it in with a joint would not create the same effect more like a strange high.


Well-Known Member
Salvia, well my friend bought a GRAM. iono how much it was. but it had a chart and purple was the most potent. and supposidly not sold in stores. we smoked the whole thing on top of bowls and straight through a bong and he ended up puking and hating it. I felt nothing but high. that shit is week. but then again i have experianced cabenzie trips. hahaha :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
What you smoked was not salvia divanorum. What you smoked was salvia, but it was sage. Common garden sage.

A lot of morally bankrupt businesses are trying to dupe people by selling them some purple sage as salvia divinorum, calling it strains like "Purple Madness" or "Purple Spirit". This will not do anything but make you feel ill and a bit out of it. All of the varities of the hallucinogenic plant, Saliva Divinorum, are well documented (because there are only a handful of them). None of them are purple.



Active Member
What you smoked was not salvia divanorum. What you smoked was salvia, but it was sage. Common garden sage.

A lot of morally bankrupt businesses are trying to dupe people by selling them some purple sage as salvia divinorum, calling it strains like "Purple Madness" or "Purple Spirit". This will not do anything but make you feel ill and a bit out of it. All of the varities of the hallucinogenic plant, Saliva Divinorum, are well documented (because there are only a handful of them). None of them are purple.

I thought there was only one from the Oaxacan Mountains in mexico, the one that Albert Hoffman was checking out in the 60's only to fall short of findiing out how it works, but indeed it does. I never got a headache from it, in fact I usually feel better then before, and it does not taste that bad. I agree purples are not the same variety that that contain salvium A in enough quanity to do anything. But thanks will be looking for those other varieties, which is the strongest?


Well-Known Member
tried salvia once- never again. it was just like losing ten minutes of my life, literally looked at the clock took a hit and next thing i know its 10 min later and i have no perception of where the time went. i didnt like it at all.


Well-Known Member
I did the most potent their was, 1 gram within 10 minutes. nonstop smoking it, straight through a pipe. I didnt want to mix weed with it because it would take away the effects of the salvia. and I disagree with all of you. It made me feel a lil high. thats it. my friend puked and he didnt like it. but neither of us tripped on it, but we have experianced cabenzie trips...

salvia is not that great.
sorry people.

its nothing like a mushroom or acid trip. anyone who has did a reasonable amount of the two will know exactly were I am coming from.
1 gram is not that much. Especially of whole leaf. Buy some 60x, smoke a gram of that, and then come back and tell us you just "got high". Actually, don't... That's entirely too much for one person.

Who knows... you may have some tolerance to it. But leaf does not contain much salvia per leaf, my friend. I assure you that Salvia can and does take people to a different world. What most people have access to on the open market, however, is usually relatively old and weak. That's why standardised extracts are so popular... and expensive.



Well-Known Member
yeah man you must have not smoked the real stuff because as you can certianly read, EVERYONE here that has smoked it besides you has felt something CRAZY... to say the least


Well-Known Member
I thought there was only one from the Oaxacan Mountains in mexico, the one that Albert Hoffman was checking out in the 60's only to fall short of findiing out how it works, but indeed it does. I never got a headache from it, in fact I usually feel better then before, and it does not taste that bad. I agree purples are not the same variety that that contain salvium A in enough quanity to do anything. But thanks will be looking for those other varieties, which is the strongest?
Umm... So far as I know, there is no concensus on the strongest strain. The "Hofmann clone" is the most widespread, with the "Blosser/Palatable clone" being the second most widespread. Nearly every commercial variety one might find comes from these two "strains", though phenotypes vary. And you're absolutely right; the "Hofmann" type are descended from the original clone he and Wasson took; they failed to isolate the active component. The second clone, which is supposed to taste a little less bitter, is the variety from which I believe Salvinorin-A was finally isolated in 1982. Most of the other varieties have come from seeds obtained either by Daniel Siebert from his crop, though other ethnobotanists have successfully been able to produce seeds and germinate them, whether intentionally or by accident. It's nearly impossible to do either way. The phenotypes vary so wildly for Salvia Divinorum that's it's difficult to ascertain which ones are the most active. Home growers, not commercial growers, are the ones that bring some stability to the genetics. So you'd have to proverbally "peek" into their growrooms. Of the two commercial strains, they are reputed to have approximately the same level of psychoactivity, however. This varies more depending on the environment it was grown in.

Salvia is "sage", a member of the mint family; Salvia Divinorum is but one subspecies. Others include "white sage" (salvia apiana) which has been burned by people for ceremonial purposes for centuries. There are numerous other varieties that are bred for the flowers, being used as accents in gardens. Most varieties of sage are suspected of having some psychoactivity, but from minute amounts of yet unidentified compounds (probably alkaloids) that are unrelated to Salvinorin-A or Salvinorin-B. However, like I said, none of these have been identified or isolated, and all reports of psychoactivity are uncomfirmed and anecdotal. "Intoxicating Mint", or Lagochilus inebrians, while not a salvia species, is one of the few other confirmed members of the mint family that are psychoactive.

Wish I could help you out more... The information on which strains are the most psychoactive just isn't available; even if it was, I'm sure such reports would be unsubstantiated. If you grow, I would suggest growing a few varieties and seeing which one works best for you. If you need help getting your hands on some of the rarer varieties, send a PM my way.



Well-Known Member
I tried salvia 40x for the first time 2 weeks ago. I was extremely nervous because I had some stressful things on my mind and didnt want to get a bad trip. I had my buddy try it first. So we loaded up a small amount, about the size of a common pipe screen. My friend started saying "whoa....WHOA!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK THE WALLS ARE MOVING AWAY FROM ME" and then he layed on the bed in a tranced state.

Immediately after he layed down I loaded up a small bowl and toked it. It felt as if my skin was sandpaper. Everything was moving sideways and this buzzing sensation was all over my body. No hallucinations yet. So I thought "man that sucked balls, not even worth the 40 bucks. but still fun."

Later on throughout the day I tried 3 more times cautiously upping the dose each time. The 4th time is when it literally, blew the shit out of my mind. It was about 2am and me and my friends were trying to sleep. So one of us says "lets smoke some more salvia." Immediately followed by a "yeahhhhhh dude." So I loaded up a big ass bowl of the shit, like to the brim of the slide. And I toked.

So I layed down and let it take its course. And all of the sudden, reality was a blur. My room seemed to be stretching forward. Then I completely forgot i even smoked salvia. I had a vision of the future I was at the mall with my friends and the song "stupid mother fucker" by mindless self indulgance was playing on the intercom (we were actually just listening to it on the computer) Theres this part in that song where theres a 3 second pause. and right when that happened the fabric of time and space started to rip right there in the mall. Everyone was frozen in time and I was freaking out. My friend said I stood up and screamed "where am i at!" (that part I actually remembered)

This is where I started to remember that I smoked salvia. I was still tripping my ass off but I was aware of it now. It felt like an eternity and I was trying to keep a mental log of what I was seeing. But once the trip ended, I couldnt remember much.

Suddenly I snapped back to reality. But it was more like half reality, half salvia trip. I could feel my soul trying to leave my body but I fought it. My room was part of a mosaic of thousands of other rooms and my vision slowly zoomed in on my room. Kind of like when you search for a place on google earth and it zooms in on the location. That was what it was like, except think of the earth as a big mosaic of rooms.

I think there was a time in the trip where I was out of my body looking at myself from the clouds. I know for a fact a shit load of things happened in the trip but I can't remember any of them except the ones listed.

It was totally mind blowing, mind boggling and incredibly twisted thing I ever experienced in my life. I tried to explain it to my friends, but they didnt seem to care. If it happened to them too they would be the same as me, excited and with a blown mind.

Salvia definitely isn't for the faint of heart. Don't EVER underestimate the power of this substance. I haven't tried shrooms or acid before. Only weed. And that is what I think led up to my obsessive talking about the trip. Truely incredible.


Well-Known Member
I get why its called salvia "divinorum." Divinorum means divination, or seeing the future. Which is exactly what happened to me.


Active Member
Good answer. I'd say, What 85% of people get an OBE or visit the sandpaper world, feel everything go 2D. But has any one herd the collective voices/thoughts of friends and others around you. Or mabe then agin your hit is light and just have your vision go to fuzzy TV... So who thinks we always live in somewhat of a virtual Reality, Just keeping everyone entertained or mabe just a larger being? "divinorum,""divination".A seer.. I am one of those people try to see thing in multiple perspectives. Science, Virtue-Supernatural, Practice of the Holy Spirit. So in other words i have my own beliefs and disbeliefs on all of those subjects. i'v tried salvia a lot. i'v become a blanket, to visiting the Astral Realm, to just flying OBE "Out Of Body" seeing myself lying there and leaving to places near and far. Going to the edge of a different reality. Just chilling in the fuzz world. I'v been just lying there with my eyes shut and talking to friends miles away. And then there was a time where i explored and trained into my trip to where i was gone for over 45 min, till i decided to come back!
https://www.rollitup.org/hallucinatory-substances/22336-try-explain-your-salvia-trip.html#post235658 <<<<<<< Check This trip.

Smoke It Up, Be Safe, Relax, Explore and Have Fun In The Divin Nation!
[email protected]


Active Member
yeah burnt it last week, 1st time 20x. wow. i took one hard toke off the bong, put my feet up and that was it, bam i was somewhere else. like some have said, everything went 2d, and at some point i decided to lay on the floor. thats when the fun began, felt like i was riding inside a huge ball pressed against the outer wall, only the wall of the ball was made of huge amounts of other people. crazy, but that was the cool part. coming back was wild. felt like i was ripping my soul away from some energy that wanted me to remain, got a little freaky pulling myself back to reality. felt like i had been reset and was rebooting. little scary at the time, but cool to think about later. defintiely not for the faint hearted. the really weird thing was i could have sworn that a large amount of time passed, but it was more like 10 minutes start to finish. i'll be waiting a while before i visit this way again.........but i know i'll do it again sometime.


Active Member
Ive taken mushrooms about a dozen times and ive taken lsd once. I cannot compare salvia to either of them. Salvia is just weird. Anyway when i bought the salvia it said it was 80x and a gram cost me $60. I loaded about 1/3 of the gram into a bong on top of some bud. Everyone had told me that you had to smoke it in the dark to feel the effects so i went in the bathroom and turned off the lights. I hit it 3 times to clear the bowl and by the way salvia tastes like fish food smells. Gross. So after the third hit i felt it coming on strong and i dont even know why but i ran out of the bathroom so fast. I sprinted by my friend handing him the bong as if it were a relay race and continued outside. I made it about 30 feet out the door before i collapsed in my buddies front yard. I rolled on my back and laughed harder then i have ever laughed. It went on for like ten minutes too of me just in tears laughing. The thing i remember most clearly is my friend standing over me saying "No way in hell im smoking that shit. Youve lost your fucking mind." I didnt get any hallucinations, but i definately "Lost my fucking mind".


Active Member
Ive taken mushrooms about a dozen times and ive taken lsd once. I cannot compare salvia to either of them. Salvia is just weird. Anyway when i bought the salvia it said it was 80x and a gram cost me $60. I loaded about 1/3 of the gram into a bong on top of some bud. Everyone had told me that you had to smoke it in the dark to feel the effects so i went in the bathroom and turned off the lights. I hit it 3 times to clear the bowl and by the way salvia tastes like fish food smells. Gross. So after the third hit i felt it coming on strong and i dont even know why but i ran out of the bathroom so fast. I sprinted by my friend handing him the bong as if it were a relay race and continued outside. I made it about 30 feet out the door before i collapsed in my buddies front yard. I rolled on my back and laughed harder then i have ever laughed. It went on for like ten minutes too of me just in tears laughing. The thing i remember most clearly is my friend standing over me saying "No way in hell im smoking that shit. Youve lost your fucking mind." I didnt get any hallucinations, but i definately "Lost my fucking mind".
I would not touch anything that says its 80x, if it were you definitly would have seen halucinations, I stick with 10x take one hit and get very vivid ones, and so does everyone I have done it with. true 80x would have put you into another world. sound like you had salvia but as many have said here, probably was not 80x. Many sellers label them wrong, your best bet find a good suppplier online and order a good quanity and ssave much money, the last time I got some I got 2 oz of 10x standardized in glass one gram glass vials for 230 bucks, now that quanity will probably last me a lifetime as salvia if stored properly has an indefinate shelf life, and like I said a one hitter lightly packed produces intnse halcinations which last about 5-7 minutes.


Active Member
I have to admit the only time I've done Salvia it had little effect on me. It was raw leaf though out of a bong. It wasn't an extract oil or any kind of 10x, etc. Are most of you guys using the concentrated extracts?:confused:

I have however had a good trip on Absinthe, though. Totally legal to own, but you have to buy it from overseas people. I found a place where you can get it ranging from reasonable prices to higher-end stuff.
You may have to scroll to the bottom to check out the link to the site, but the homepage has some link to other cool stuff.


Well-Known Member
Ive taken mushrooms about a dozen times and ive taken lsd once. I cannot compare salvia to either of them. Salvia is just weird. Anyway when i bought the salvia it said it was 80x and a gram cost me $60. I loaded about 1/3 of the gram into a bong on top of some bud. Everyone had told me that you had to smoke it in the dark to feel the effects so i went in the bathroom and turned off the lights. I hit it 3 times to clear the bowl and by the way salvia tastes like fish food smells. Gross. So after the third hit i felt it coming on strong and i dont even know why but i ran out of the bathroom so fast. I sprinted by my friend handing him the bong as if it were a relay race and continued outside. I made it about 30 feet out the door before i collapsed in my buddies front yard. I rolled on my back and laughed harder then i have ever laughed. It went on for like ten minutes too of me just in tears laughing. The thing i remember most clearly is my friend standing over me saying "No way in hell im smoking that shit. Youve lost your fucking mind." I didnt get any hallucinations, but i definately "Lost my fucking mind".
Ha. You definately had an experience, my friend. You may have just taken WAY too much of it to remember what was happening while you were rolling on the ground and laughing. Hold the hit, inhale again, and take as much as you can. It sort of sounds like a weak salvia trip, but the fact that you actually left your setting makes it sound as if there was more going on then you were aware of at that time.



Active Member
Salvia, oh man that bring forth so many insane jabberings. I remember smoking it in my room the first time, i thought my mind had left, i thought i was going to get locked up and put away forever. then i started to talk to my blanket and it talked me down. the second time i talked to my tv, and the third time, me and two of my buddies smoked it and basically laughed at each other to the point of slobbering on ourselves. needles to say, it was a long day.