f#ck im stupid


Active Member
i was trying to LST my plant the other day and i pulled one the bigger branches down too far and it ripped where the branch meets the stem. i tied it up and it looked ok, its been a few days since then so i though it might be ok and i untied it and ended up ripping it more, but not completely off, i re-tied it and went to look at it after an hour or two and now the leaves are really droopy, any chance of this living? should i give it till tomorrrow? cuz if its gunna die i want to try and clone that branch, but i dont have cloning gel, and ide have to make a ghetto humidty dome, and probaly just put it straight in soil, that ill keep moist? now that ive rambeled on anyone know what i should do?

heres a pic of what the plant looks like



Active Member
It's a big healthy branch, I suppose you could try the clone route with it.
I'm not sure how much you want to invest in trying to "reattach" it to the plant.
You probably should have just let it be the first time you tied it, now that it's happened again I think the chances of it retaking have minimalized a bit.
If it ever happens again wrap bandage tape around it or something to that effect and just don't touch it for a week or two... it'll either take or not.


Active Member
i texted a friend of mine that grows and told me to just stick in a 1 gal pot. should i try to use a humidty dome? i have 2 13w cfl's i could put it under tonight since its almost dark and im sure light would be good for it? idk...


Active Member
also the plant that this happened to i just started force flowering it yesterday, by putting a bucket over it at 5:45pm everyday and removing itonce it gets dark. so the buckets been on it for 40 minutes right now, if i go pull that branch off and put the bucket back on real quick will it fuck up flowering?


Active Member
odds are a quick burst of light won't hurt it...
since the bottom of the branch is already exposed from the damage, it might just go in soil, usually people start in just water for cloning.
It also won't hurt to lightly scrape the bottom where it's going in the soil it'll release hormones and make it easier for it to start forming roots.


Active Member
ok so i pulled it off and cut it right under the first set of tiny leaves starting to come out and peeled them off to help promote rooting, then i put it in a pot of wet dirt and set in the sun. ill probaly bring it in and put it under those 2 13w CFL's for a couple hours right before dark. hope it lives.


Well-Known Member
Dont put it in the sun, it has no roots yet so you need to conserve moisture loss, the sun will likely dry it out to fast.
get that humidity dome asap.:bigjoint:
weim having a similar problem i was trying to tie a branch back and it split at the main stem it didnt completely split probally about half way threw so i taped it and tied it up so it wouldnt droop if i leave this like this without removing the tape for like 2 weeks whats the chance of it surviving? and is there an type of neut or chemical i can buy to ensure it takes to the sep and continues healing? my plant is in the 6th week of flowering


Well-Known Member
I have broken many a branch over the years, and as long as around half of the branch is still attached, they always heal quite quickly.
You just need to tape it back together, and maybe splint it if needed.:weed:
i have broken many a branch over the years, and as long as around half of the branch is still attached, they always heal quite quickly.
You just need to tape it back together, and maybe splint it if needed.:weed:

thanks i already taped and splinted it so i just hope it heals properly it should still heal if im in the 6yh week of flowering?