I ave just started my 1st grow n i am beginning with Alaskan Ice i hope i have ave picked a good 1, My room is 12x7x8 n it is covered in ADF Mylar as this is 95% reflective.
I ave got the bubblepot system which is set up but not yet connected, a 4" extractor fan with carbon filter & a 18" cooling fan as the heat in my room is already 30degrees.
I seeded 25 Alaskan ice for 48hrs n then put then in rockwool into a propagator only 20 of theses have gone into the propagator which are now on day 3 the rest ave not done anythink so i am assuming they r dud 1s,
I have noticed that there is 10 of these which r now 1-1.5" high ave got brown tips on there leaves does any1 no why this is???
I ave got the bubblepot system which is set up but not yet connected, a 4" extractor fan with carbon filter & a 18" cooling fan as the heat in my room is already 30degrees.
I seeded 25 Alaskan ice for 48hrs n then put then in rockwool into a propagator only 20 of theses have gone into the propagator which are now on day 3 the rest ave not done anythink so i am assuming they r dud 1s,
I have noticed that there is 10 of these which r now 1-1.5" high ave got brown tips on there leaves does any1 no why this is???