Quick Help Please!


Well-Known Member
how much are you watering? if you took the pic right when you turned the lights on it is possible they are drooping from night. but it looks under watered. i dont know how much you water and feed but as the plant gets larger you might find it necessary to add more water. how much water do you use? nutes?


Well-Known Member
My leaves are sagged out I havent changed anything with my watering or lighting. WTF!?!? + REP for help!
what kind of irrigation r u usin (hand water, aero,drip, ect),
def looks to me as not enough water/nutes, however b sure not 2 over do it on the nutes ,
THEY WILL B STRESSED 4 a bit ,so some TLC is needed

I once lost 3/4 of a harvest once because my pumps went out for like 12-14 hrs b4 i found them off, my girls looked very similar 2 urs.
hope u get it all st8 out good luck keep us posted