Hi BT....
How about paying for all the heart attacks..strokes caused by money hungry food industries....... nothing to do with sloth or gluttony... because of high profits and the cost of GOOD food 70% of the US/Canada can't afford to eat right and are left with poor alternatives...
or for the lung transplants from their pollution..thats why they go to third world countries..they can kill there with no penalty ....
and maybe if the Govt paid for and controlled a few industries maybe some companies might actually stay here and provide jobs..instead of slitting the US work forces throats to make a buck.....
I'm not saying blanket socialism like you talk about above, I agree thats no way to go..but health and education... you can say its smoking, drinking..but it may have been the pollution that was the "last straw" for that person, the poor food that they can only afford, or they can't afford preemptive health care ..
that blame can't be assigned to one toxic behavior when the air industries pump are are 10 fold that self chosen risk...
What about education...look at the US education standards and how they are losing ground to countries that pay or offer cheap ed.
I'm just lucky ..I was hit by a drunk driver..I sued him... and have had 8 major ops since and it cost 0..why should I have to use the $$ I got from suing to fix myself.... even now everything from Rx to transport is paid and was... since 1975 when I was hit..how long would I have been able (even with ins.) to cont. w/out free care..
and as sure as God made little green apple..everyone will get sick and need care...usually at the latter stages in their life..why should they end up eating cat food to pay a rich Dr.

There it is the truth behind socialism. GREED, GREED, GREED
All about you isn't it?
About how you shouldn't have to pay, even though you sued to get the money.
The idea behind lawsuits isn't that you get to file them for arbitrary reasons (like being an imbecile that spills McDonald's coffee on themselves.)
The idea is that you file them to recoup the cost of damage done to you, thus the difference between compensatory damages and punitive damages. Perhaps you should go talk to your lawyer some more, because they obviously didn't explain to you how the legal system works.
Compensatory damages are to compensate you for losses (such as having to pay for the surgeries)
Punitive damages are to punish the driver. Most of the damages you got were probably compensatory.
Then there's your stance on food. Let me guess, you're fat but it's not your fault. It's those EVIL CORPORATIONS who did it to you.
Wait, maybe you just have 3 kids because those EVIL CORPORATIONS didn't instruct you how to use their condoms while holding your hand.
For some one trying to talk about a society built around the idea of sharing you sure do sound like one greedy person.
I'm just lucky ..I was hit by a drunk driver..I sued him... and have had 8 major ops since and it cost 0..why should I have to use the $$ I got from suing to fix myself."
To quote you.
Because that's what the idea behind the lawsuit is for. To compensate you for your injury.
If you didn't get injured, you wouldn't have been able to file a suit.
What about education...look at the US education standards and how they are losing ground to countries that pay or offer cheap ed."
Have you actually done any research.
4th Grade US students (before the brainwashing really gets going) are in the top 5.
By the time they graduate from highschool they are in below 25th.
The public education system is a failed experiment built around a unionized industrial process that is full of child-rapists and pedophiles.
The best colleges in the US are private, Harvard, Yale, MIT, and the list goes on.
Stop talking out of your ass and go do some research.