poor growth-what is happening?


First off let me state that back in the day (1979) I grew a lot out doors. Then for a couple of years I grew under lights. I have not grown anything since 1985. Still I feel that I have the background to understand a lot of what is posted here.

Now my problem. My soil less seedling are doing very poorly. I am growing in coco chunks, perlite/vermiculite mix and DWC. I have a couple seedlings growing in locally bagged soil to use as a control. The seedling grown in soil are 3x bigger than any of my soilless plants. I am using 1/2 strength Fox Farms Grow Big. I gave the soil less seedlings a shot of Super Thrive in a attempt to bulk up the root system. The seedlings in soil have not been watered since germination.

My results are very disappointing. How can I get my soil less seedings to grow robustly?

Any input is welcome. Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
if they are as young as you say, seedlings, then the ferts you should not add till at least big enough. usually two to three weeks after germing and first growth is a good time frame to start. and try a quarter strength at first instead. remember that when they are young, they are very sensitive...


Thank you. All the seedlings were sprouted at the same time. The seedlings in potting soil are growing explosively. The soil less mixes are just sitting there, very little growth. Coco and perlite mixes are watered 3 times a day(to much?). I only started applying fert. after seeing the different growth rates.



Thank you. All the seedlings were sprouted at the same time. The seedlings in potting soil are growing explosively. The soil less mixes are just sitting there, very little growth. Coco and perlite mixes are watered 3 times a day(to much?). I only started applying fert. after seeing the different growth rates.


Just watered(yesterday) the soil pots with 1/2 strength FF Grow Big. These plants are really growing! Soil less mixes Are barely growing, but seem in better health. What is happening? How can I get the soil less mixes to grow as quickly as the soil mixes?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
DWC is tough for me to get right. I like Waterfarms. It sounds like your locked out. You need to flush with ph adjusted water for a few days first. Then you need to keep the ph adjusted to around 5.5 and feed like i82 said @ 1/4 strenght. Then when they get bigger bump up the nutes.


DWC is tough for me to get right. I like Waterfarms. It sounds like your locked out. You need to flush with ph adjusted water for a few days first. Then you need to keep the ph adjusted to around 5.5 and feed like i82 said @ 1/4 strenght. Then when they get bigger bump up the nutes.
Thanks. I have ordered a PH meter, should come in any day now.
