LTD's First Grow Log, CFL only


Active Member
I transfered ONE of my 6 22 day old plants

over night i can see SOME growth..which is....5000 times more then ive seen in the past 5 days...

So no growth on other 5 before wednesday and i pick 2 of them transfer them into bigger pots and give the rest to my buddy to deal with , maybe he can pop them outdoors somewhere.

day 2 on my germ seed, seed is popin outta soil just a bit. humid dome still on the cup.

nuts and watering tonight hopefully the nuts i've added on the suggestion of pitbullz will help if im right my value of nuts is 11-9-1 now ( you were right bro, didnt take that long to find fish and seed extract at all! thanks again man)


Active Member
Stem's on them seem to be splitting...

they were purple now they are like busting open and being a green( busting open like....they are geting bigger looks good not bad)

So with this said...thats like a proven factor saying my 5 in smaller pots are still growing no?


Active Member
well wheres the eye candy?? :p :) so hows it all going. I see you are moving or have moved them again? Eegads. Ya gotta let them be man, there gonna revolt and come kick your ass when your sleeping if you keep moving them around :p :)
my light fell and got to close to one of my plants and burnt one of the leaves the plant looks fine but will that harm its growth any


Active Member
my light fell and got to close to one of my plants and burnt one of the leaves the plant looks fine but will that harm its growth any
if it just burnt a leaf or 2 then i wouldn't worry about it, probably at most will be stunned for a few days, but as long as you have ample nodes & shoots youll be fine.


Active Member
i told 3 of my plants after they started to grow again ( cant get the damn picuters to post...)

how long till i should notice new growth from topping area? Just wondering no rush reall..

so i fimmed 2 of my plants and now toped 3 of them and left one as a single cola so i can see how that works out

all and all...all plants look fine...just slowwwwwww growth... adding more nutes tonight with their feeding... ill get pictures up when i can get mine or my buddies camera to work

plants look healthy over all....

1 plant has Yellow tipping on the newest leaves(other then ones i cut off with toping) but im thinking this is because i was forced to use tap water for one feeding

hasnt gotten worse, so im assuming it was just unbalanced PH water

EDIT: Note that this is from Day 23 , and i still have basically seedlings trying to veg still.......pretty sad to me but w/e they are kinda picking up

Toping probably slowed them down EVEN more but w/e pitbudz' 3 site and 2 site fem's from his current grow look way to good to not attempt it


Well-Known Member
i told 3 of my plants after they started to grow again ( cant get the damn picuters to post...)

how long till i should notice new growth from topping area? Just wondering no rush reall..

so i fimmed 2 of my plants and now toped 3 of them and left one as a single cola so i can see how that works out

all and all...all plants look fine...just slowwwwwww growth... adding more nutes tonight with their feeding... ill get pictures up when i can get mine or my buddies camera to work

plants look healthy over all....

1 plant has Yellow tipping on the newest leaves(other then ones i cut off with toping) but im thinking this is because i was forced to use tap water for one feeding

hasnt gotten worse, so im assuming it was just unbalanced PH water

EDIT: Note that this is from Day 23 , and i still have basically seedlings trying to veg still.......pretty sad to me but w/e they are kinda picking up

Toping probably slowed them down EVEN more but w/e pitbudz' 3 site and 2 site fem's from his current grow look way to good to not attempt it
thank you for the compliment friend two of the 10 we had started turned out males on me already ill post pics here in just a minuit i can tbeleive it already im kinda pissed but o well i got 13 more seeds last night. your plants will pick up man and this is the learning grow for you dont get discouraged, they will bounce back from the shock and grow whats the temps and ph of the soil?


Active Member
temp is 79 lights on 69 lights off

ph is 6.0

anyways....where am i suppost to expect bud sites from toping//fimming....the 2 a fimmed look like they are growing leaves inbetween the main stem and the 4 fan leaves below where i fimmed it..but it skips the top set of fan leaves? is this regular growth or what?

all these pictures for fimming/toping don't make any sense b/c they dont picture a pot plant the way it looks just standing there......

ne comment about that ? The ones i top look like they starting just growth in 2 of the internodes also one set of fan leaves down.( still no pictures.....)


Active Member
Picture One is one i topped

picture two is one i topped

picture three is one i topped

picture four is gonna be a single cola

picture five is one i fimmed

picture six is the same one fimmed from the side...note the leaves growing in the nodes (are those my new bud sites???)

picture seven is other one i fimmed

picture eight is the side view ( same leaves growing on this one)

most pictures and numbers dont match up how i wanted and im stoned and being lazy so....... side view ones are the fimmed ones im looking for where the budsites would come from if i did it right..

but in pic 8 the plant in backround with yellow bottom leaves , im sure i over nuted it but not sure that what that was from? ( this happned like.....4 days ago ? hasnt gotten worse in 3 days.)



Active Member
you can't tell i fimm'ed b/c they grew the leaves back? i didnt think it was suppost to but w/e i fan leaves always grow new growth between their joint and the main stem??


Well-Known Member
no they do not i just learned that because with my outdoor plants i have like 2-3 sets of notes with no branches coming out so it must be genetics, check my pc update bro its almost done