Very true, but I think both of us know that we aren't capturing any right wing flies on this site. It is all about the beatdown and the ego thrashing. These right wingers and libertarians (Same thing in my book), are so impaled on their Ideas that they could never see the other side. I occaisionly do make concessions to their side, not many, but I do at least consider their more central positions. The far right is just too far out for me. As far as facts in politics, they are few and far between. It is usually a he said he said or she said situation. All these figures being flung around by the right about Obamas' dooms day financial policies are just right wing bashing of Obama. I'm also disappointed in some of Obamas' policies, but I'll at least give him a couple of years before hanging him. For me, the critical point of his presidency will be whether he can get a public health care option. If he at least accomplishes that, I'll ride a ways farther with him. Let's face it, Politics are all about opinions and facts are usually far from the conversation.
If you do not stand up for your convictions then you might as well bend over for everyone that wishes to challenge them. There is also a vast difference between arguing for your beliefs with passion and intensity and being a myrmidon that follows them with out knowing why.
As far as the comment regarding Obama's failed economic policies. Thank you for exposing your lack of research into the issue, Medman. The policies being pursued by our nation (Bush and Obama) were what lead to the collapse of the Roman Empire. For our nation to be repeating the same mistakes over 2,000 years later should feel any one with any knowledge of history with fear and dread.
Rampant inflation destroys the lower and middle classes faster than it destroys the rich. When a person can not afford a loaf of bread because the currency is worthless then what more are they supposed to care about?
The lack of border security is another repetition of the same policies pursued by the Roman Empire.
The endless foreign wars are yet another repetition of the same imbecilic policies that were pursued by the Republic and by the Empire.
The continued restrictiions of economic freedom are nothing more than the inane repetition of policies that were tried in the Roman Empire, and failed miserably.
The idea of free food and free grain was tried in the Roman Republic and failed. The price of food shot up as farmers no longer brought it to market because they were not able to afford to labor at the prices being offered by government coercion in the markets.
Some even went so far as to abandon their fields and live in the cities instead of working, because the just rewards they deserve for their labor was stolen by government coercion.
The collapse of the Empire lead to the dark ages, and that is exactly the path that I see the United States repeating at this point in time. We are enshrining feelings instead of knowledge. Enshrining "fairness" instead of justice.
Justice is pictured as a blind woman of great beauty, because Justice, to be truly just must be blind. Are there flaws with the current money driven legal system in the United States? Certainly, but I don't see the Democrats (or Republicans) making any changes as they are supported by lawyers who make millions in the flawed legal system. To truly reform justice the lawyers would have to be broken.
To revive the economy government would have to be cut so everyone can receive the full benefit of their labor. This is not just about the poor or the rich, it is about the entire country being free to pursue their dreams with out the incessant unceasing interference of bumbling paper-pushing tyrannical bureaucrats who have the misbegotten notion that they know better how to live some one's life then the person living it.