if you have this ancient, antique electronic device, or know where to get one, help!


Well-Known Member

i need a 12v, 3a dc plug/converter, what ever they're called. we've all seen them, big gigantic heavy black box plugs that take up too much room on a surge strip :p

my fan is 12v, nothing i can do about that atm, so i need a plug, as mine burnt out the other day, and my closet is currently 115f.




Well-Known Member
yo well i seen these movies with these chicks hooked up to 120 volt roating vibrators...lol...as for you need not sure but i would imangine home depot or ace hardware..


Well-Known Member
yo well i seen these movies with these chicks hooked up to 120 volt roating vibrators...lol...as for you need not sure but i would imangine home depot or ace hardware..
not at radioshack, walmart, lowes or home depot... i'm at a loss; ten years ago i was throwing these things away like crazy! now they are on the endangered species list or something... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Those huge ass power adapter bricks?

Those monsters?Goodwill should carry a few. I have a ton of these, not sure if their 3 amps.


Well-Known Member
i don't think they are ancient or antique. i think they come with just about everything you buy these days. i have a whole drawer full of them.


Well-Known Member
i don't think they are ancient or antique. i think they come with just about everything you buy these days. i have a whole drawer full of them.
lol, now about the only thing that uses them are cell phones, which use very small ones....

lots of stuff used to be ran off direct current, but most has been replaced with ac and digital stuff.

i went through all of mine, the biggest i have is 1.5 amps... must find a bigger one...


Well-Known Member
lol, now about the only thing that uses them are cell phones, which use very small ones....

lots of stuff used to be ran off direct current, but most has been replaced with ac and digital stuff.

i went through all of mine, the biggest i have is 1.5 amps... must find a bigger one...

tell that to my power strip. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the more geekier stores like Fry's or Compusa.

Oh just remembered, their like $50+

And a girl that knows electronics, DAMN THATS HAWT!


Well-Known Member
lol, i wouldn't say i know electronics; i have a vague understanding is all :p


that sux big time. maybe i can find one at a flea market; or, maybe i can find a small 120v motor.... i've seen them everywhere.


hey KP i have a 12 volt regulated power supply, i have a few for work...they are only 2 amp though....and also they just have screw terminals on the front, so you will have to add the jack wire.....it is very heavy duty and like new....if you want it it's yours.....