250w HPS Club And Help Guide

No. I haven't started to cure yet bc Ive still got another wk left of flowering. I just wanted to try some out a bit early to see how the smoke was.
What is the process of curing?
Thanks Wretch


New Member
Here's mine for what it's worth. Cut the braches from the main stalk and trim all the fan leaves and put those in one pile. You can use the fan leaves for hemp oil. Trim all the buds of any leaf that sticks out more than 1/2" and store the trim seperately. That can be used for hash or smoked in a bowl and topped with hash oil. Take the trimmed buds and hang them stalk and all from one of those portable clothes dryers with a fan blowing in it's general direction but not directly on them. Small buds will dry enough in 3 days and the larger buds take 5-7 days. After that trim the bud from the branch and store in wide mouth mason jars and open them to the air for at least 10 minutes per day to prevent mold. After about 30 days you have cured bud. Seal and store. That's the basics. Let me know if you have any questions.


Well-Known Member
Here's mine for what it's worth. Cut the braches from the main stalk and trim all the fan leaves and put those in one pile. You can use the fan leaves for hemp oil. Trim all the buds of any leaf that sticks out more than 1/2" and store the trim seperately. That can be used for hash or smoked in a bowl and topped with hash oil. Take the trimmed buds and hang them stalk and all from one of those portable clothes dryers with a fan blowing in it's general direction but not directly on them. Small buds will dry enough in 3 days and the larger buds take 5-7 days. After that trim the bud from the branch and store in wide mouth mason jars and open them to the air for at least 10 minutes per day to prevent mold. After about 30 days you have cured bud. Seal and store. That's the basics. Let me know if you have any questions.
So you're sayin that even the bigger buds will be smokable in about a week but you leave yours for 30 days in the jar before you smoke it? Why? I doubt I'll have the will to wait that long. All I can get around here is reggie, nasty crap. But it does hold me off between harvests. So when my harvest is smokable, usually a week or so, I blaze that sweetness up everyday til its gone. Is the extra time in the jars worth the wait?


Well-Known Member
So you're sayin that even the bigger buds will be smokable in about a week but you leave yours for 30 days in the jar before you smoke it? Why? I doubt I'll have the will to wait that long. All I can get around here is reggie, nasty crap. But it does hold me off between harvests. So when my harvest is smokable, usually a week or so, I blaze that sweetness up everyday til its gone. Is the extra time in the jars worth the wait?
Yes, You waited this long wait a little longer.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
So you're sayin that even the bigger buds will be smokable in about a week but you leave yours for 30 days in the jar before you smoke it? Why? I doubt I'll have the will to wait that long. All I can get around here is reggie, nasty crap. But it does hold me off between harvests. So when my harvest is smokable, usually a week or so, I blaze that sweetness up everyday til its gone. Is the extra time in the jars worth the wait?
You get more THC. :weed:


Well-Known Member
The St.Pete Pride Parade is next weekend ;-)

Gonna get a shit load of signatures for the mm ballot :lol:
Lol Sunshine and Rainbows always make or get great weed right? Lol that's awesome Mind, I'm really happy that you're going to Pride to get those ballots man that's fucking awesome dude.

:hug: Much love goes out to you and your bro, and enjoy Pride.

those buds look like they would be tasty have you started to cure yet??..

also sorry to anybody that hasn't been helped i haven't been on lately and i just read that doobs hasn't either so repost your questions and thanks to mr.mind hydromasta and others who helped!! mad props to doobs and mind for keeping things going.. this wake n bake goes to yabongsmiliebongsmilie

and Welcome to any new 250w clubbers!!:eyesmoke:
What Mind said lol.

No Problem Wretched
Just trying to do my part for our community.
Couldn't have been put any better Mind, ditto.

So you're sayin that even the bigger buds will be smokable in about a week but you leave yours for 30 days in the jar before you smoke it? Why? I doubt I'll have the will to wait that long. All I can get around here is reggie, nasty crap. But it does hold me off between harvests. So when my harvest is smokable, usually a week or so, I blaze that sweetness up everyday til its gone. Is the extra time in the jars worth the wait?
2 weeks is a minimum but 4 weeks is bomb.

Basically what happens is, the trichomes and terpins (Smell and flavor) start metabolizing sugars and basically getting the rest of the chlorophyll (Green, veggie, grassy smell and taste), and nutrients (Burns like coal, harsh) out of the plant. The plant is STILL ripening in a sense even after it's cut.

The less time the harsher or grassier a product will taste/smell/smoke, it will not burn grey/white it will burn into almost like a little piece of coal, hard black and a bitch and a half to smoke.

Cannabis is like a fine wine, the longer the better. Some of the buds at like Cannabis Cup have been cured for far longer than 1 month or 4 weeks.

Personally I know I can be impatient at times so I have a 2 week stash and a 4 week stash lol. 4 week is far better to smoke but such a pain to wait for lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey isn't Mind supposed to be harvesting today?!

Or did I get my dates mixed up, hmmm I'll check later I guess lol.


just out of intrest am i more likely to get caught growing during the night or day time. dont worry i have no lightning showing just curious of the helicopters


Well-Known Member
Here are the Pictures :clap:

Wet Wgt 900.5 Grams :shock:

Biggest Bud Wet Wgt 80.6 Grams :shock:
haha you put a perma grin on my face tonight man!!

that is fuckign awesome that WB really packs in the weight i guess the hydro adds to..lol great harvest man!! what were some of your previous yields?


New Member
Great grow Mind! I'd agree with the 200 grams dry. Maybe a little better. You saved the leaf and trim, right?

AB, Yes it's different when you wait. I'll go with what Doob says. Just a different beast when it stays in jar. Smoke your smallest buds first but definitely wait for a proper cure on the big ones. Even after 30 days it keeps getting better and smoother. Remember, too wet causes mold but too dry is easy to fix. I used a couple of fresh leaves for 1/2 hour to get them back to just right the one time I overdried. For me you have to squeeze the buds really hard to feel any moisture at all when they are done, done, done! Have about an oz from 2 grows back and it ages like a fine wine and it was bag seed. It's my special pippens now. Smooth in and out, taste like grapes and since it was indica dominant it has a real relaxed feel to it after a giggly beginning. Great for chillin out after a long day!


Well-Known Member
ok.. read the last 100 pages, and it's all the same thing I have a 250 Watter, can I join? here's my pic.... here's my little grow cabinet with a 250 watter.. oh yeah, I may get a 400 watter, I don't know.. well, if we can grow 18 plants under a 250 why wouldn't we? I know that some have likely tried and said "screw it... I'll get a 600Watter and not worry about it"... why put the effort into a 250? It's a cabinet light... i say bull poo! come on borthers unite!!! 250 can grow like a 600 too!! who's with me???


Well-Known Member
Here are the Pictures :clap:

Wet Wgt 900.5 Grams :shock:

Biggest Bud Wet Wgt 80.6 Grams :shock:
Hell's yeah!! Go go Mind whooooooo!!

Big hugs right back at ya buddy :hug:, those girls look niiiiiiiiiccccceeeee :weed:!! Great job dude, fucking spectacular!!

900.5 grams wet, with the 75% loss, if exactly 75% or close, will be around 225.13 grams dry.

Definitely give us a smoke report on that WB there when it's done curing Mind.


Well-Known Member
ok.. read the last 100 pages, and it's all the same thing I have a 250 Watter, can I join? here's my pic.... here's my little grow cabinet with a 250 watter.. oh yeah, I may get a 400 watter, I don't know.. well, if we can grow 18 plants under a 250 why wouldn't we? I know that some have likely tried and said "screw it... I'll get a 600Watter and not worry about it"... why put the effort into a 250? It's a cabinet light... i say bull poo! come on borthers unite!!! 250 can grow like a 600 too!! who's with me???
Can't forget us sisters too now lol, welcome to the club Cowell. If you have any questions about 250's or grow go ahead and feel free to shoot a question our way and we will try our best to help you out.