I am very fond of erowid but I read differently than your statement about safe amounts to take.
• 4th Plateau: +15 mg/kg This is the strongest level. This is a sub-anesthetic dose, and can be compared to a high dose of Ketamine. Your mind and body become seperated at this level and it can become dangerous psychologically, and physically. Personally I say that you should never have to go this high, it can be very dangerous. But whatever you do, NEVER go past 20 mg/kg (about 2000mg for a 220lb person), this can become very toxic and kill you.
You were over 2100 with 3 8oz bottles..your lucky you didnt die..But I over heated and felt like I was dying for like 5 minutes when I only drank 1 8oz. On an empty stomach which is the only reason I think it happened but im not sure..I want to try it again but Do you know any ways to prevent overheating like that?