wild pot growing on a NYC sidewalk!!

this is SO awesome! this pot is growing randomly (or not randomly) on a sidewalk in New York City. Specifically, on 28th street b/w 9th & 10 ave. for you locals. I live in queens, so i will def. check back on this baby whenever im in the area. :clap::hump:

that's only like 30 blocks from my brownstone. i'll race you!

Do all new yorkers park on the wrong side of the road? That picture looks more like UK parking :lol:

it's probably a one way street. there's lots of them in nyc. you can never get to a place directly. lol.
This is whats next to my road lol...


hahah thats hilarious! theyr right though you should diger up and take it home. its only a matter of time until a cop or sum uptight ass hole comes along and tears it up and stomps it down. either that or someone else digs it up and takes it home LOL why not you?
peace :peace:
This is so funny. I was going to do something like this. In fact, I was going to start a thread on it. What would happen if everyone planted their extra clones and seeds in places that were public where MMJ is legal. What would anyone be able to do? In CA the dilemma that hasn't quite been fought out in court is that the state has to provide a way for patients to get MMJ but they are trying to make illegal every method or model that people are coming up with. If plants were suddenly just appearing all over public property, there would be nothing they could legally do about it.
is it only me that see hairs on the new top leaf sets???? chop her close to the ground and get a 4x4 rockwool cube!!!! :)
I guess I'm in the minority, but I think you should leave it there. Sure it will probably get taken or something, but it's cool to see what happens. We've all seen a mj plant growing indoors, we have not all seen a plant growing on a city sidewalk.
I guess I'm in the minority, but I think you should leave it there. Sure it will probably get taken or something, but it's cool to see what happens. We've all seen a mj plant growing indoors, we have not all seen a plant growing on a city sidewalk.

I like your style.