Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

Also, quick question. Does anyone here use Mycorrhizae? I know that BMO nutes contain it and I was wondering what the best way is to incorporate it into my soil. Should I add to tea or simply mix in with soil? BTW I am talking about the pellets.
Forrest of Cheem..... I do use them and love them. I use the SPT by BMO, in tea form. Since yours are already pelletized, they are meant to be directly mixed with soil.
The mcyo fungi do not become active, in either form, until they are stimulated by the chemical excretions of plant roots. So, they will just remain dormant, until plant roots get into range to jump start their life cycle.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real......Organic....
SimpleSimon You bring up an excellent point. I got so busy typing about the different manures - I neglected the molasses.
Unsulphured Molasses is cheap, available at most grocery stores & is easy to use. You add one ounce to each gallon of unchlorinated water. This produces a NPK value of 5-1-3 on average. The keys are unsulphured molasses & unchlorinated water. This makes an excellent low grade, all natural fertilizer, feeds the micro-beaties (good bacteria & fungi) in your manure tea mixs & adds some trace minerals -which is an added bonus.
If you plant to foliar feed, just use only half as much molasses.

i have a pot brewing at the moment. but i think i didnt let the tap water sit long enough,,,( shit ) what will this change? ( having chlorine in the water
so what your saying is that the chlorine in my tap water is strong enough to sterilize 500ml of bat guano>>?? sorry but i think your wrong but thanks for trying to help!
so what your saying is that the chlorine in my tap water is strong enough to sterilize 500ml of bat guano>>?? sorry but i think your wrong but thanks for trying to help!

Agreed. The trace amounts of chlorine or chloramine will not sterilize bat guano's nutritional value. The only problem is that the chlorine in your water can kill off some of the micro-organisms that are generated by bubbling the tea.

And the trace chlorine probably won't kill off the whole of the micro-beasties. BUT in the future it'd probably be a good idea to either let the water sit or find another source of clean H2O.

I keep South American dwarf cichlids in an aquarium so I know a bit about Chlorine and Chloramine. When you first "cycle" a tank (grow good bacteria/organisms) you use a de-chlorinator to treat the water. Water that hasn't been treated does hinder the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Good luck on the grow. That organic's gonna taste sweeeeet!
so what your saying is that the chlorine in my tap water is strong enough to sterilize 500ml of bat guano>>?? sorry but i think your wrong but thanks for trying to help!

like forest of chemm said the tea will still have the npk and other nutritional values but won't do much to enhance or replenish your microherd.

but hey man i'd love for you to check it under a microscope and report if you see any beasties.
Agreed. The trace amounts of chlorine or chloramine will not sterilize bat guano's nutritional value. The only problem is that the chlorine in your water can kill off some of the micro-organisms that are generated by bubbling the tea.

And the trace chlorine probably won't kill off the whole of the micro-beasties. BUT in the future it'd probably be a good idea to either let the water sit or find another source of clean H2O.

I keep South American dwarf cichlids in an aquarium so I know a bit about Chlorine and Chloramine. When you first "cycle" a tank (grow good bacteria/organisms) you use a de-chlorinator to treat the water. Water that hasn't been treated does hinder the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Good luck on the grow. That organic's gonna taste sweeeeet!

thanks guy!!
Hello Everybody,

I remember reading that adding water to a brew does not necessarily dilute its strength.

Do I recall this correctly?
Hello Everybody,

I remember reading that adding water to a brew does not necessarily dilute its strength.

Do I recall this correctly?

That's correct, 5 gallons of brewed compost tea can cover 10,000 square feet. It can be mixed with a hose sprayer - that's the only way you can really cover 10k square feet with only 5 gallons of tea. Now, you don't have to dilute it, but the tea is so rich (dense) with microbes that they will actually colonize the soil (and plant) at a lower density - and you will be 'wasting' tea/microbes.
Ohso, thanks for the great thread. I just read it and it is so nice to know that there are still some old die hards out here. I have been growing for 41 years now and have never been able to bring myself to use any chemicals. I have farmed organically all my life and raised my little girls the same way. I see some of these photos of the plants grown with the chems and think they look nice and have more bud than mine but I know mine taste better and they enjoyed their life more being natural. Thanks for the NPK breakdowns on the teas......we have a few different methods but the same ideas, Thanks again for the wonderful info and thread.
That's correct, 5 gallons of brewed compost tea can cover 10,000 square feet. It can be mixed with a hose sprayer - that's the only way you can really cover 10k square feet with only 5 gallons of tea. Now, you don't have to dilute it, but the tea is so rich (dense) with microbes that they will actually colonize the soil (and plant) at a lower density - and you will be 'wasting' tea/microbes.

Thank you Comystocky! Going to dilute 50/50 and see how my girls nourish.
CaneFan... Glad to see I'm not the only old Coot on here.
I've grown chem / hydro in the past and I'm not proud of having done so.
I converted to soil / organic growing about 12 years ago and have never considered going back. Soil has soul, chem / hydro does not.
I also agree with you 100 % that organic bud tastes best......
Keep it Real...Organic....
Most people add lime to the soil, not the tea.

Very nice thread, btw. I actually have access to elephant poop.
Slab... I ran across this site the other day and really like the info it has. You might like it also.
Keep it Real....Organic.....

I will concur, sweet site Ohsogreen :)

I am undergoing a transformation, a gentle path. The high road you could say. I do have an urge to rub my compost tea in my buddys nose who grows in hydro though. ha.
Thank you sincerely Oh So Green and my fellow Green growers.

The founding Fathers ( the cool ones) would be very fond of these discussions.