How do i find cubic feet?


New Member
took long enough...:lol:

I can see you are having a melt down over this...

I'd like some onion rings with my cheeseburger plz.


New Member
you keep racking up those frequent douche points you can get a free plane ticket to the popular vacation destination of your choice.... oh lord of the douchedom....



New Member
Oh my lawd.... the picture focuses yet again. :lol:

i believe you started this with your insulting un-necessary chime in, this is a place of learning, and people like you try to make others feel like shit for no reason beside your sadistic, sociopath like self satisfaction? do you think i am ignorant, far beyond, just because i like to dick around on the internet and be silly does not make me a mongoloid. so :finger: you, you douche, you are a douche, you are a douche.:hump:


New Member
Gosh, wrong ...again. It was you who made the inference, not I. I kept it very general as to not embarrass you, but your posts made that quite impossible. I can keep it up all day.

The only way out for you is to admit you are NOT eighteen. Anything else.... is most embarrassing.

No No, don't stop him, he's on a roll! :lol: