is he trying to grow marijuana?

hello everyone
im new to this kind of thing ( marijuana )
i have never smoked it in my life, anyway
my brother smokes it all the time and while
he was gone for a bit, i looked around in
his bedroom, and found this in his closet with
a huge light hovering on top of it. the 2 leafs
look like they have little crystals on it lol
sorry you cant see in the pictures.






New Member
First I would like to know y ur trying to figure out if he is or isn't
Seccond don't touch it!
Because if it is (and I'm not saying it is or isn't ) and u kill his "baby" u might have a very pissed brother on ur hands! Atleast I would b!
Third tell him that if he is trying to grow he's deff. Not gonna get shit out of haveing it planted in a mason jar it's gonna need drain holes, and bigger container for the roots (if he's trying to grow weed)
And last
Wth were u doin in his room!?!? That's fuxxed up kid.


Well-Known Member
agreed, if u were my little brother, id fuck u up hardcore for messin with my stuff, its none of ur business if he is or isnt, why dont u just become a cop u little sneak. worry about urself and not about what ur brother is doing. he knows what he is doing, and i hope he findsout you've been snoopin thru his shit


Active Member
don't worry that's not pot. it looks to me like an heirloom tomato sprout. or possibly a tropical orchid of some sort. be careful, the leaves are probably poisonous if ingested.

how can you be new to something you've never done?


New Member
Bah u shouldntbof told the squirt! I didn't just cuz I figured they didn't need to know! Nosie little squirts need not know others business if it wasn't shared with them. Glad I'm an only flukin child IDE kill a satin cibling if they went on a tresure hunt in my room -.-


Active Member
Agreed it's a tomato plant of sorts. Stay the fuck out of his business!!! Would you want him snooping through your shit?


Well-Known Member
Tell him to get a better pot. That jar has clear sides and the light will rot the tomato plants root system, not to mention it has no drainage holes and this will cause the soil to become toxic.


Well-Known Member
dude bro just forget what all these people are telling you,, i kno exactly what that is , def not weed and def not a tomato plant , you see the two thin leaves its clearly a heroin plant and that explains the jar yup heroin, tell your parents...


Well-Known Member
hahaha, i love this fucking site! where else could i get this kind of enjoyment from others words and pics?? just hilarious...



Active Member
wtf is that?

no idea man...

maybe it's a set up to catch if you have been snooping in his room

i'd be careful if i were you...


guys... i dont mean to sound harsh.. but ARE YOU FREAKIN BLIND! thats not weed... not any type of weed ive ever seen.. notice weed starts with 4 leaves... perpindicular of each other.. when seedling.. they at no point in their lil life span have 2 pertruting long leaves. its not cannabis.. not any cannabis ive ever seen or heard of


Well-Known Member
guys... i dont mean to sound harsh.. but ARE YOU FREAKIN BLIND! thats not weed... not any type of weed ive ever seen.. notice weed starts with 4 leaves... perpindicular of each other.. when seedling.. they at no point in their lil life span have 2 pertruting long leaves. its not cannabis.. not any cannabis ive ever seen or heard of
whoa there big guy, i don't think one person has thought it was weed!! settle down...