What is best way Germanate seed


Active Member
will this work i took a little peace of sponge put the seed in it got a little bowl and put water tell half of the spong was in the water will this work? because iv had the seeds in water for almost 2 days


Well-Known Member
will this work i took a little peace of sponge put the seed in it got a little bowl and put water tell half of the spong was in the water will this work? because iv had the seeds in water for almost 2 days
There are a ton of ways to germinate but I have never heard anything postive about germinating in a cup of water. I have heard a few success stories of people soaking for a day and then moving to another medium to germinate.

My first attempt 9 out 10 germinated.

Seeds placed in a wet paper towel, placed inside of a ziplock bag, placed between two plates, and finally placed somewhere dark.

My next run at it I will to germinate in rockwool.


Well-Known Member
paper plates? and can i add as many as i want to the zip lock bag like 10 per a bag?
Yes, and yes.
It's the recommended way to germinate on virtually every site... I'm suprised you haven't heard of it yet. Paper towels/napkins, dampened. Not necessary to put into a paper bag, but the humidity helps the seedlings a bit- it also keeps the paper towels from drying out as easily by keeping moisture contained in the bag.



Well-Known Member
Here is my personal germination technique for what its worth. My last batch was 21 out of 26 successfully sprouted.
(1) Gently squeeze seeds between fingers. Throw away ones that crack (split open)
(2) Put seeds in matchbox w/ fine grit sandpaper and shake for about 30 seconds. This helps scuff the surface and allow water to seep inside quicker.
(3) Soaked seeds in approx. 6oz distilled water. Put in warm dark closet overnight. Next day 15 of 26 had popped 1/16" taproot tips.
(4) Placed 1 folded papertowel in plastic sandwich container 6"x6"x2". (Im not talking about the baggie's but the "leftover" containers you can buy at the grocery store.) Soaked w/ distilled water then lifted towel to let excess water drain off. Folded a 2nd papertowel, soaked and drained same way.
(5) Put all seeds, evenly spread out, in container on top of wet papertowel. Gently laid 2nd wet towel on top of seeds. Put top on container slightly loose at 2 corners so as not to force out all the air.
(6) Put in same warm dark closet and checked every 8 hours or so allowing fresh air in between towels and checking not to EVER let towels dry out, although they never do. Last batch 21 of 26 had 1/4"-1/2" taproots within 36-48 hours. These are generally the same results i get everytime using Bagseed. Good luck


Well-Known Member
There are a ton of ways to germinate but I have never heard anything postive about germinating in a cup of water.
Now you can say you have heard something positive about germinating in a cup of water.:o

I do it all the time and have a 98% sucess rate. Good seeds usually germinate in 24-48 hours. If longer I change the water every two days.:weed:

I use tap water that's been sitting for 24 hours or distilled water. Both work fine.

I put them on the flower level where it's nice and warm and cover them so no light get in.

I just use a spoon or some twisers to put them in soil.

I like the method ... works great for me.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I just put a small piece of compost in an old coffee jar half fill it with water,leave it sealed for 2 days and then plant them,seems to work just fine,but im sure there are better ways:-P


Active Member
Just soak newsprint in clean water, put on your seeds, fold over the paper a few times, put it in a baggie, then in a little box or opaque bag, and in a warm spot like on top of the fridge. After 24-36 hours, wait for little root sproutlets to form, and then drop pointed side up into little holes in the medium, cover with medium, and place under fluoros. If you forgot about them and the roots are long, drop rooted side down into a deeper hole so the seed is still all covered. Use no-damp to water the medium to avoid damping off. Do not water until the medium starts to get dry, as the roots and seedlings will rot if they are too wet.

This post is for entertainment purposes only, as I do not grow pot and do not advocate breaking the law.


Well-Known Member
i just drop'em in soil about 1/2 in. deep and bam 2 days later i see them peeking at me.works everytime...rascalone


Active Member
I have germinated with wet paper towel,i take 2 paper towels fold together seriously wet then lay bed of seeds then fold over again and insert into a ziplock baggie and check freguently,I have been very surprized how quick germination happens.:-P