Just found these little F'ers on my plant! Help...


What are these things and how do I get rid of them? They're really good at hiding. The second you get near them, they skootch to the the other side of the stem. They slide over really fast... I just sprayed them with organacide but they acted like it was rain. They could be dead now, but I just came back in to see if any insect experts can tell me what they are and if they're a danger to the plant? They are on the stems, not the flowering areas...

here's the best pics I could get... Any help would be greatly appreciated... I'm in Socal.. San Fernando Valley if that helps to tell what they are. They look like little moths or some sort of winged insect. No clue here....

1 more shot....



Well-Known Member
look like doomsday bugs to me... your screwed bro...

i know theyre high in protein tho if u eat them...


kill em just watch your plant alot closer
Just got better pics of a couple bugs I found on the plants. Some leaves have holes in them. This first bug I've seen eating another bug before. Not sure that means he doesn't eat leaves too?

This one I just saw walking around the leaves. Not sure if he's damaging things.

Anything to worry about?



Well-Known Member
Well first of all, nice camera!! Im still to cheap to get a new one-despite yearly cost on energizers for a cheep as camera. Keep them wet!!! and keep picking shit off. All u can do is try.. Maybe u can spray some soy extract. That works well for me..