Plant growing TOO fast; TOUGH question


Active Member
out of 3 plants, one is skyrocketing way higher than the other 2. Its too early to tell sex, but this one is always less than 1'' from the fluoro's by the end of the day. I cant move my lights for fear that the other 2 plants will stretch. What should I do?


New Member
bend it right over without snapping it. mind do it slow, it will come back up at some point, but you can bend it the other way until they are all the same sort of size.

And i mean bend the top part dude, not the full plant.


Well-Known Member
Super Crop then like RobbinBanks said.

Just pinch it at the stem where you want to take the height down to (or a little lower) and the cola will fall to the side. Then after a few days it will reach for the sun again.

When pinching, just squeeze your fore finger and thumb together until you feel the stem crush, then lean it to the side where it crushed :)