If you were to die today, How would you be remembered?


Well-Known Member
Have you ever thought about it?
I think about stuff like that all the time.

For me,
First of all I hope that there would be alot of people at my funeral.
But I think people would remember me being very passionate with my beliefs.
Fun to hang out with.
Not afraid to try new things.
Very unpredictable.
A great host.
Everybody's friend.
Great in bed.
A people pleaser.
A hard worker.

I've had several friends pass away.
It's funny how or what I remember about my friends.

Just a thought.
What the hell....I'm stoned.


Well-Known Member
If i died, I wouldn't have a huge funeral at all. I would leave behind, pretty much nothing... Just a few fish I guess... But I hopefully I will live a while longer!


Well-Known Member
I would have a mixed review at both ends of the scale. But what the hell I don't much care what people think now. and after I'm dead I realy don't care.


Well-Known Member
I'm expecting really fucked up and sarcastic answers. So bring it on.

But really people, you should think about it.
It may be something you care not to think about.
But when I have family members, friends, or even a pop singer die, it kinda makes me think how will I be remembered.


Well-Known Member
Rofl here we go again^^^^^^^^^^^
Please enlighten us again on how you are the man of god :spew:
No I'm not going to fight with someone about my believes. Wouldn't that be hypocritical? This is why I left my post at 5 words and not a whole paragraph.


i would like to think that i would be remembered as a good friend, father and husband.... if so, im pleased.


Well-Known Member
most likely as someone who never even began to reach their full potential.

i would love someone to play or quote Vincent by Don Maclean at my funeral, but i'm not sure i'm really deserving of that memory.

i know it's bad form to speak ill of the dead but hope there would be honesty, not just praise and fond memories.


Well-Known Member
I don't know. I guess you'd have to ask the people who know me. But i'd like to be remembered as a person who didn't always get it right, but tried his best to serve humanity in a positive way.


Active Member
Unfortunately if I were to die today I'm sure I would be remembered as a small town burn out loser.

*Here's to hoping I don't die today and have time to change that image*


Well-Known Member
I'd probably be remembered as a grade A asshole. Only thing I want to be remembered as is a good dad. I am kind of a prick to everyone else. :(