Osama Bin Laden........


Well-Known Member
You just figured it out Faded?You know what would be funny, if Osama read this thread! I think the only conclusion we came out with is: tits=freedom!


Well-Known Member
I personally do not think that is Bin Laden, the face is not long enough and it's too broad. The only thing that is the same is the nose.


Well-Known Member
We're all entitled to our own opinions, and this is mine:
I don't know if Osama is dead or alive but I do know this, that in '04 if Kerry had been elected, we would still be in deep shit. Oh yes, I am a Bush hater just like EVERY SINGLE person that would belong to a community such as Rollitup. And yes, Bush shouldn't have started a war in Iraq. But once the war was started, what is our administration to do? Pull out a couple hundred thousand troops and be lenient on terrorism after having smashed the fucking Twin Towers and crashing into the Pentagon? You all talk about how bad Bush is, but what about Europe? Terrorism is threatening to Europe just like it is to America, and if Bush were really a war monger, then I believe he would have been impeached. Everything the president does is under intense scrutiny - Libby is the one that got hit for leaking a CIA agent's name, but all Americans that read newspapers know that Libby took the fall for Cheney and Bush. In America, we have checks and balances, and the Democrats have had the Senate for over a year. What I'm trying to say really is, we all want our troops home and safe, and I trust my government has more information about what goes on in the world than what CNN tells me. In '08, do you really think ANY candidate could have a relatively successful withdrawal of troops in a very short period of time? They are in the same government as Bush ... it's not like things can be expedited.
p.s. - unlike a lot Americans that realized how bad Iraq is after shit went down, I was against the war from the beginning. Oh, and btw, I live in Europe but I represent a town less than 45 minutes from the towers, so I'm not just talking to talk.


Well-Known Member
We're all entitled to our own opinions, and this is mine:
I don't know if Osama is dead or alive but I do know this, that in '04 if Kerry had been elected, we would still be in deep shit. Oh yes, I am a Bush hater just like EVERY SINGLE person that would belong to a community such as Rollitup. And yes, Bush shouldn't have started a war in Iraq. But once the war was started, what is our administration to do? Pull out a couple hundred thousand troops and be lenient on terrorism after having smashed the fucking Twin Towers and crashing into the Pentagon? You all talk about how bad Bush is, but what about Europe? Terrorism is threatening to Europe just like it is to America, and if Bush were really a war monger, then I believe he would have been impeached. Everything the president does is under intense scrutiny - Libby is the one that got hit for leaking a CIA agent's name, but all Americans that read newspapers know that Libby took the fall for Cheney and Bush. In America, we have checks and balances, and the Democrats have had the Senate for over a year. What I'm trying to say really is, we all want our troops home and safe, and I trust my government has more information about what goes on in the world than what CNN tells me. In '08, do you really think ANY candidate could have a relatively successful withdrawal of troops in a very short period of time? They are in the same government as Bush ... it's not like things can be expedited.
p.s. - unlike a lot Americans that realized how bad Iraq is after shit went down, I was against the war from the beginning. Oh, and btw, I live in Europe but I represent a town less than 45 minutes from the towers, so I'm not just talking to talk.

hes right, but a saying comes to mind guys "Bring it on" let these fuckers come and if being in Iraq will make them come out in the open "bring it on" cuz our whole plan is to kill them get it:weed:


Well-Known Member
oh yea and my name is pandaBear cuz it was a pets name I had which recently died not cuz im really a gurl!:wall:

but one thing I forgot to say was that when in comes down to it everyone here including me is no better than saddam hussain, we kill people all the time you guys are killing people right now. instead of buying a tv instead you could have probably save 2 peoples lives with that money, everytime you buy a bottle to get drunk you just killed someone which whom you could has saved his life with that money so really you would rather get a new tv then save a little gurls life cuz instead of getting all that shit you could have saved so many but you didnt, that make everyone no better the saddam or an mass killer, I have no illusions of what I am, Im for defending my way of life very selficiously. everyone is responsible for deaths so no one can act like they are snow white


Well-Known Member
oh yea and my name is pandaBear cuz it was a pets name I had which recently died not cuz im really a gurl!:wall:

but one thing I forgot to say was that when in comes down to it everyone here including me is no better than saddam hussain, we kill people all the time you guys are killing people right now. instead of buying a tv instead you could have probably save 2 peoples lives with that money, everytime you buy a bottle to get drunk you just killed someone which whom you could has saved his life with that money so really you would rather get a new tv then save a little gurls life cuz instead of getting all that shit you could have saved so many but you didnt, that make everyone no better the saddam or an mass killer, I have no illusions of what I am, Im for defending my way of life very selficiously. everyone is responsible for deaths so no one can act like they are snow white

how .. you.. doin'? :hump:


Well-Known Member
yea... I get what your saying... But I'm a way better person than FDD I mean... hitler... ?


Well-Known Member
i wonder how osama would feel if he read this thread.

we have no interest in him.

one of my indoor buds....


my wife is holding it for the picture.


Well-Known Member
Osama would be proud... no He'd say halibaba alah alah habib hupstash hupstash... hupstash hupstash means 15-15 I think... because when I would go to the stoore and by 15-15 (dime bags) hed say halilililil humpstash humpstash... So then I startrted telling him humpstash humpstash... and hed give me baggies... So I speak tereorist :)
And the reason Osama would say that becasue he was asking god for a dime bag...
Why else would he be on roll it up in the 1st place???

I herd he owns like 50% of verizon stock... think theres any validity to that?

Yea right FDD thats YOU in that picture!


Well-Known Member
Come on fellas, that dude is long dead. He is a figment of the CIA conjured up to help the repukes in 08. His figmentive self lives in Packistan in luxury paid for by the Bush regime. You really think he did 911 by himself, come on down, you've won the gullible sheeple prize.
LOL!!! I didn't read the rest of this thread... but you sir, can go hide under a fucking rock you unpatriotic, conspiracy theory junkie.


Well-Known Member
man i hate to put my two cents in on this but might as well lol. our country has a lot of fucked up laws but we have some other things to consider. half the world lays on a dirt floor in a shanty town with automatic machine guns rattling off all night. and while third world people are watching their children killed and their women raped for religous or political agendas, some americans are sitting in their 800.000 dollar condo sipping mojitos watching lindsay lohan sniff blow off paris hiltons god awful gaping snatch. all the while complaining that their 60.000 dollar escallade didnt come stock with 14 karat gold door handles. and the couple with the $800.000 condo has a son who is 15 that is planning on getting his hands on a fifty caliber desert eagle to go rob his neighborhood liqour store in his in his upper class neighborhood. Just to look cool to his rich gang banging homies or be hood like fiddy cent. our lifestyle in america is the fast life. we drive huge expensive environment killing vehicles and idolize meaningless celebrities, who are filthy rich but never worked a day in their lives. we have magazines and whole t.v. shows dedicated to stars doing meaningless shit. kids no longer want to work but be like the people in hollywood. In america the money is endless and it comes so easily. fuck the blue collar right. no wonder half the world hates us. they see only a misguided representation of what we are. they see us as religionless immoral money hungry devils ,which some of us are not. not that it is right in the name of religion to slaughter our innocent people. but we have it good in some ways, like we can express ourselves on this great site. we can look at beautiful titties. we can speak of our dislike for our president. sometimes but not always we can work hard and make a better life for ourselves. think about it. why are sending our young men and women off to die???? i dont know myself. sorry for the rambling lol.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
LOL!!! I didn't read the rest of this thread... but you sir, can go hide under a fucking rock you unpatriotic, conspiracy theory junkie.
just when I thought I was goingto move on.....

what does PATRIOTIC mean? and who gets left out...?

if ONE is patriotic.. are they inhumane?
