pc grow case


Well-Known Member
50 - 70 watt will work
depends on number of square feet, doesn't look like much more than 1 to me


Well-Known Member
U really think 70 watts is enough? I gotta 100 watt cool white floro In there now..what's the diff between floro and cfl
i'm doing a grow in a 38 x 16 tube, about 1.2 sq. ft. cross section. 78w of cfl, and results are looking very promising.
they say more light is better, but i'd say more light is better as long as it doesn't raise temps too much. heat = stretch, the more compact the plant the easier to keep high lumen count where you want it

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Nah case is to small for 12/12 gona do LST grow for this one...thanks!!
Excuse me? 12/12 refers to the light cycle required to induce flowering, 12 hours on, 12 off. If you want to keep the plant small you want to start 12/12 as soon as possible. A plant will grow to 2-3x it's size during flowering, so be careful you don't run out of room.
Imo you want as much light as you can fit in and still keep it cool. In a small grow like that it's more important to spread the light around evenly than to have a single powerful light source.
The 100w fluoro you have, is that actual or equivalent watts?


Active Member
Excuse me? 12/12 refers to the light cycle required to induce flowering, 12 hours on, 12 off. If you want to keep the plant small you want to start 12/12 as soon as possible. A plant will grow to 2-3x it's size during flowering, so be careful you don't run out of room.
Imo you want as much light as you can fit in and still keep it cool. In a small grow like that it's more important to spread the light around evenly than to have a single powerful light source.
The 100w fluoro you have, is that actual or equivalent watts?
i actually jus noticed today its only 26 watts =100..so im gonna throw another 1 or 2 in there.. i thought 20/0 made kept it small????im confused? what should i start veg. on?? 12/12??


Well-Known Member
i actually jus noticed today its only 26 watts =100..so im gonna throw another 1 or 2 in there.. i thought 20/0 made kept it small????im confused? what should i start veg. on?? 12/12??
3 26w will be fine, look like a supernova inside that little case
12/12 means no veg, but that is a misnomer
12/12 results in the smallest possible plant you can get for a strain
some vegging will occur otherwise there wouldn't be a plant!