Wind damage!!! Split stem in 4


New Member
Today has been a VERY windy day. Is it possible to still grow a very tall plant that has been split down the middle in 4 places?
The stem has been taped up with green velcro gardening tape.
It's about 6 feet and about 4 weeks into flowering. :roll:
Any suggestions???


Well-Known Member
i had a big branche break the other day. i was spinning the pot around and twisted it half-way off. i used the same green gardening tape and taped it up real good. it's been a week and it is fine. if you got it taped up before it dried out and it's wrapped well it should survive.


New Member
Yeah, it was taped up right away. It had been split previously due to being too top-heavy, so I know it can handle a lot of stress. Thanks for the info.
i had a big branche break the other day. i was spinning the pot around and twisted it half-way off. i used the same green gardening tape and taped it up real good. it's been a week and it is fine. if you got it taped up before it dried out and it's wrapped well it should survive.


Active Member
Ditto...I broke a large branch moving mine...just taped it up with surgical tape and tied it to a stick stuck in the ground....been 3 weeks and looks fine!


Well-Known Member
mine are at the point where i'm going to start "accidentally" breaking branches on purpose. oh, whoops, guess i gotta smoke that one. hehehehehe


Active Member
I know what you mean!!!..I've prolly wiped half the trics off mine by petting them!!!!..TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!


Active Member
how bad is the break??
are u noticing any drooping??
u may be right
have u splinted the breaks??
takes some pressure of the plant splinting
damn thats a big tree to waste
all the best


New Member
Yes it is tied up on one side to the deck fence and the other sides are tied to other plants sitting on an outdoor patio table. It hasn't wilted in the least. It already had a 7 inch split down the middle. Now the total split is about a foot but it is holding out just fine.
Another one of my plants is split down the main stem and is also fine. That happens when I stress them a TAD too much but since they are really healthy, they seem to be thriving on it. I just wasn't expecting that kind of wind. It toppled over one of my other plants as well but everything is doing great.
I'm in the midst of redecorating so have misplaced my camera BUT as soon as I find it, I most certainly will take some pictures. It actually looks pretty cool.:clap:

Thanks for the comments and recommendations. I'll keep you posted.
how bad is the break??
are u noticing any drooping??
u may be right
have u splinted the breaks??
takes some pressure of the plant splinting
damn thats a big tree to waste
all the best


New Member
I know what you mean. Right now my plants are just a big huge tease and the biggest bummer is that I am completely OUT!!!!!!

Oh boooooooo!!!:cry:

i check them every 20 mins. i can see them ripen. every time i look they look just a little closer. hold me back.