How do you clean YOUR pipe?


Well-Known Member
well i use to think the ol rubbin alcohol and a q-tip was the best way to clean it. but i recently found this stuff at my head shop that is AMAZING. made my pipes smoke and look JUST like the day i got it. Its called 420 Solution, stuffs only 7$ and u just poor it in ur pipe, shake it up, and BAM!! you mite have to do it a couple times, but man, its worth it.:bigjoint:
ya man, the stuff is great, its like rubbing alcohol x 5 with little scrubbing crystals. its blue and doesnt smell bad at all! but when u clean ur pipes, the stuff that comes its not so great lookin, but works wonders on just about everything, you can even clean the rez off ur scraypers and hands
see im always too worried that ill break the pipe afterwards if i boil it, and the fact that ur smellin that rez in the water boilin, bet it stinks like hell.
Used to be, whenever I was dry for a long spell and I needed to keep the mania down, I used an unbent paper clip and scraped all the nasty black tar and oily crap out, balled it up, and smoked it. Harsh and nasty ass shit, but it got the job done.

Now I use alcohol and salt, sometimes with a little help from one of those little baby-bottle-nipple scrubby thingies. Same thing I do with my bongs. :D
ya i usually keep the rez in the pipes cuz i know ill need to get it out whenever that dry spell comes along, which it does, and just smoke that, you'd be suprised how big of a rez ball i had got from just one pipe man. smoked on the thing for a good 5+ hours me and my 2 buddies.
Well back when I had the old nasty dope smoking habit I always used a corn cob pipe. Most of the drugstore chains has them behind the counter for around 4 bucks. I cleaned the shaft and bowl with the straightend out end of a coathanger and the mouthpiece section is easily cleaned with a plastic wire tie end laid flat and shoved up in there. Anything black that comes out wipe it on a paper towel. Straight shaft works much better than the Sherlock Holms curvy looking model. It wil eventually get plugged and cant get unplugged then you go buy another.
420 is rubbing alcohol with SALT crystals in it. try throwing some salt in some alcohol. add a few drops of blue food coloring and some pretty smell. there you go. :)
I use alcohol - most of the time my stuff is so clean that I dont need salt. Every once in a while I use vinegar or CLR to get rid of and calcium / hard water stains / white film. And then I rinse with filtered water.

If you came over right now you would swear ALL of my glass was brand new.
I use alcohol - most of the time my stuff is so clean that I dont need salt. Every once in a while I use vinegar or CLR to get rid of and calcium / hard water stains / white film. And then I rinse with filtered water.

If you came over right now you would swear ALL of my glass was brand new.

I tried alcohol and salt, and it just kinda made me mad.

I have a bong that has a twist in the middle to catch ice, and the
alcohol and salt didn't clear up all the nasty brown stuff. And I

filled and rinsed 3 fucking times with no avail.

gah....maybe I need more salt.
I tried alcohol and salt, and it just kinda made me mad.

I have a bong that has a twist in the middle to catch ice, and the
alcohol and salt didn't clear up all the nasty brown stuff. And I

filled and rinsed 3 fucking times with no avail.

gah....maybe I need more salt.

Did you shake it? Zongs are hella hard to clean the curves, mine was always just dirty on the elbow but the base was perfectly clear.
Did you shake it? Zongs are hella hard to clean the curves, mine was always just dirty on the elbow but the base was perfectly clear.

Yupp. I shook and shook and even tried to reach the middle with
a toothbrush, but those damn twists are just too hard to get

the grime out.

I asked for help, and everyone suggested alcohol and salt.
Everything else came out clean, but goddamn that twist!!!!

Here is what it looks like.....
Have you tried using some long pipe cleaners with the alcohol/salt solution? Maybe they'll bend to the shape of the curve and give that extra little help to the solution. :?:
Why do people insist on spending $7 on bong cleaning solution?
Giant bottle of alcohol - $.98
Giant can of salt $.68

Most of the time when I hear people say that doesn't work it's because they don't use enough salt.