New Weeds!!


Well-Known Member
yea its been a good season so far..wish id see a little more of keavin nealon but maybe more later.. the 1st episode when doug and dean took a bunch of ceilias pills and measured was so damn funny...and still waiting to see the olsen girl on it 2..u guys enjoying so far??

Dr High

Well-Known Member
a show about selling weed? im confused. how do they not get arrested for doing that shit on tv?!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I can't wait.I d/l the first 4 episodes of this season( they were leaked long ago ).
So I haven't seen a " new " episode in 3 weeks...

Best show on T.V. .


Well-Known Member
no way, mary kate is in next episode, crap the show doesnt need any guest stars, it makes it less real and seem more like a tv show. I know thats exactly what it is but it was still different than others.


Well-Known Member
thanks to chiceh i've finally watched the latest episode, sorry if this is a bit late but was anyone else confused as to why conrad had to pull males out of the SoG?


Well-Known Member
Conrad has an entire warehouse full of plants. presumably all clones from the mother plant. If they're all can there are males?