Michael Jackson died.


Well-Known Member
Singer Michael Jackson dead at 50

Newspaper reports pop star wasn’t breathing when ambulance arrived


msnbc.com staff and news service reports
updated 2 minutes ago

Michael Jackson has died at age 50 after being rushed to UCLA Medical Center, NBC News has confirmed.
Los Angeles Fire Department Capt. Steve Ruda told the L.A. Times that Jackson was not breathing when paramedics arrived at his home and CPR was performed.
TMZ.com reported that he may have suffered cardiac arrest.


Well-Known Member
Farrah Fawcett has passed away today as well.
im saddened by her death, i'm also saddened how the king of pop had to die the same day (what are the chances). she didn't get near the attention she should have.. she had a whole documentary about it for god's sake

pool dude

Active Member
He was very talented and I grew up listening to his music. I also feel he was guilty of the pedo charges and never held accountable for his actions. That leads me to this......Why would so many people feel that him dying on his own terms equates to him paying for his wrong doings. I mean everyone dies it doesnt make you a hero. What about your grandparents they died what sins are they making up for. I just feel it is a stupid way to think and I am glad my parents didnt raise to think like that. Maybe all the people that feel that way are right and when all the child molesters die they are forgiven and all the pain they caused will vanish.


Well-Known Member
Wow this was a shocker ... I just found out about it, and came here to see if you guys were talking about it. I heard about FF yesterday ... but nothing on Jackson ... I saw a news show early this morning end the show with the "Billie Jean" video, but I didn't think anything of it. I guess that's why they had it on.
I lost a close cousin on Sunday ... God rest her sweet soul ... must leave town to attend funeral ... looks like she has a lot of "famous" company of transitions this week.
I get the feeling Mickey ... his friends call him that ... wanted to go Home ... so he took an overdose ... he was always "out there" after he turned into a white woman. If he did cause pain to those children ... well ... judgment day Mickey ... judgment day ... My condolences to the families ... It is horrible for a parent to have to bury their child ... no matter how old they are. I know what those families are going through now ... trust me.:-(



Well-Known Member
Definitly lived a life that not many have. It can't be fun being the king of pop. Sure for a little while.


Well-Known Member
And Ed McMahon died earlier this week, (what are the odds) I guess those really big checks coming from nowhere really are going to stop!


New Member
Another child predator off of the Planet. Good riddance. I hope he was drinking a LOT of ice water before he passed. He's going to need it.



New Member
Another child predator off of the Planet. Good riddance. I hope he was drinking a LOT of ice water before he passed. He's going to need it.

Somehow I would have guessed this would be your response. Nothing was ever proved. He certainly looked guilty, but this response is over the top. Shows your shallow evaluation process of people and your warped sense of civility.

what... huh?

Active Member
Somehow I would have guessed this would be your response. Nothing was ever proved. He certainly looked guilty, but this response is over the top. Shows your shallow evaluation process of people and your warped sense of civility.

And this shows yours. I expect OJ was innocent too?


ffs. They call what MJ does grooming.
No girls... just boys... young, dying boys. That defines the sexual component.

When you continue to engage in behavior which has a profound negative impact on your life (ie public shame, incarceration, destruction of career) it is compulsion.

MJ had a sexual compulsion towards children, and chose victims who would not live long enough to see him prosecuted.

He is among the most vile people to walk the planet, and I rejoice in his removal from it.


Well-Known Member
I don't really feel like getting flamed here, but MJ died a FREE man, aquitted of all crimes. Right or wrong, that is all that anyone accused of a crime can hope for. Despite his fallibility, and his alleged crimes, MJ inspired and helped millions more people than he hurt. To express joy in his death is pretty callous. I also believe that we are all members of one human family. Speaking negatively of persons deceased is bad form. If it is your belief that the world is a better place without him, then your recourse is to take comfort in the fact that he will not be hurting anymore children. Won't be tabloid fodder for gold-digging parents of might-be victims, and most importantly will not be providing entertainment for millions of people who have incontrovertably been inspired by his genius over generations on a global scale.