How do they look?


Active Member
they are about 7 weeks flow, its just a first grow so its a learning experience and a test. but tell me what you think. im poor so CFL's do some work

im not sure if its 7 weeks im just going by the trics currently 50clear/50cloudy, but it might be the 7th week? hahhah stoned. but i know it doesnt look like much yield but please all constructive criticizm welcome. getting a 250HPS for the next grow in a month. Got Blueberry, Strawberry Cough, and Whiteberry for the next one. Thanks


New Member
not bad ...looks like alil nute burn...but overall those look pretty nice...granted this is my first grow too...but im indoors. keep it up man Good luck


Active Member
Ya, they look alright to me (i am a newb at growing though). Im on my first grow right now as well, and id be very happy if mine turned out half as nice as that.

edit: removed the words"Ya man" when i realized your post name was MARY... lol so stoned.


Active Member
yeah i accidentally gave it too much molasses on the feeding, but it wasn't that bad. I'm just hoping for on oz for my first grow. Using only 224watts of CFL for two plants isn't nearly enough hahaha

No worries Bon3z ^_^

this is indoors inside a rubbermaid, testing to see how everything works so on my next one I'll be ready for everything :D


Active Member
I will be glad to keep y'all updated. right now the one with the single cola (P) is starting to frost up real nice. and the more bushy one (M) is still budding. I estimate about 2 weeks for P and 3 weeks for M but only trics can tell until my next update :D keep it high and much love

-Mary <3


Well-Known Member
nice'll get some good stuff from first was recently harvested...and i was real pleased, not with yield but with taste...i'm 4 weeks into my second attempt and already they look better than the first. due to space issues i'm having fun with bonsai sized plants...we'll see how it goes...peace ::leaf::


Active Member
nice'll get some good stuff from first was recently harvested...and i was real pleased, not with yield but with taste...i'm 4 weeks into my second attempt and already they look better than the first. due to space issues i'm having fun with bonsai sized plants...we'll see how it goes...peace ::leaf::

Yeah, i hope to get a decent enough yield but again this is just a test and learning experience for me so i can do better on my good one lol.

Update: well P is starting to show amber trics, and M is still budding right now. Estimation P in one week, and M in 2 weeks.

Was wondering for the flush, how does that actually work? Do i just feed it normally with only water. or do i literally flush it with water as it water it everyday, as apposed to every 3 days?

sorry i dont have a picture at the moment as i dont have a very good camera to take clear pictures ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah nute burn happens, just like shit.

But your plants aren't shit tho, they look nice!

2bad u werent here we could toke up and look at both the gros hehehehe:bigjoint:


Active Member
yeah nute burn happens, just like shit.

But your plants aren't shit tho, they look nice!

2bad u werent here we could toke up and look at both the gros hehehehe:bigjoint:

heh kind of you, i wouldnt mind but Oz is an odd place to come by if you know what i mean.

I'm not going to flush anything as i didnt use any nutes other than molasses and i used it for 5 feedings total. Also i fear that flushing stresses the shit out of the plant and will be highly unwise.

But i will keep y'all updated, P is starting amber but the lower buds still need time.......(so tired of waiting its been 9weeks flow) M is fattening up.

again sorry for no pictures i know thats the love and joy of forums, but i dont spend too much time on my computer, im always hanging out at the pool.


Well-Known Member
you wanna flush for the sake of the taste, you want your leaves around your bud to start yellowing, that shows signs of your buds soaking up all the thc of the plant and absorbing as much as it can and it will go towards the buds making them fatter those last two weeks


Active Member
you wanna flush for the sake of the taste, you want your leaves around your bud to start yellowing, that shows signs of your buds soaking up all the thc of the plant and absorbing as much as it can and it will go towards the buds making them fatter those last two weeks

i highly doubt it would be noticeable but thank you for the concern. i understand that it 'stresses' the plant so that it will use up the remaining nutrients in the leaves for bud production. that is why i dont post much on here everyone here either contradicts everything or has their own opinion (no downing you or anything) ^_^ i'm just staying away from stressin the plant is all, like i said i watered with molasses 5 times through out the first part of the last 9 weeks, so technically ive been flushing it already you could say lol. Guess that clears some confusion. anyway its about 5% amber now, but the hairs are all still white as day. I really want a 50/50 so if the hairs dont turn all red can i still harvest? hairs dont affect much do they?

Peace n Love <3