male/female plant? 2 weeks into flowering


Active Member
i have a plant that has been female for 2 months, recently since i have gone to 12 12 lighting the bud have been growing, all of a sudden on one of my plants i am getting male pollen sacks. is this possible? what should i do becuase i have other plants that are female near it. it still has pistils and balls i donno what to do please help me!



Active Member
also these balls are on like the top foot of the plant. everything below it is just little starting buds and pistils. wtf


Well-Known Member
It is a male. It never was a female or hermie or anything outside the norm, just a plain old male.


Active Member
i have pictures of the plants for the last 2 months of every week it grew it was a female. such bs. how do u know if it has effected my female plants


Well-Known Member
i have pictures of the plants for the last 2 months of every week it grew it was a female. such bs. how do u know if it has effected my female plants
Could you post the pics?

If any of the pollen sacs are open, then your true female has been pollenated. Get the male out of there, the more sacs that burst open the more seeds your female will grow. Time to mitigate your damages


Active Member
ya the picture are on my lap top. i can tell you by research on my own it turned into a herm plant. the top have has both bud and these sacks on it and the bottom of 2 feet of the plant has no little male pockets at all. all pistils. o well nothing i can do none of the pockets on the this plant have opened up so i think my female should be ok.


Well-Known Member
definitely time to chop that one down
Um..... flowering for 2 weeks, :finger: buddy.
i have pictures of the plants for the last 2 months of every week it grew it was a female. such bs. how do u know if it has effected my female plants
How were you able to determine the sex of this plant the last 2 months. Maybe the last 2 weeks since you switched to flower. But yeah, if any those sacs opened next to females, DONE. How many plants do you have, and how many are females, and are you sure they're females. The sacs in the picture look pretty developed, I'm confused as to how you didn't notice these days ago. Remember when discarding a male plant, you need to wash your hands after handling if your going to your females afterward. Pollen can stick to your fingers, clothes, etc.. The pollen can even travel through AC vents.