Plant Damage

I have a about 3 and a half foot plant(give or take) I have recently topped it to keep it at this size so i can keep it inside. now i wanna start flowering i've been doing 12/12 lighting already. It's looking rather nice especially the newer growth.BUT!one day it fell over breaking off all kinds of leaves and stems on the lower half mainly of the plant. I'm keeping it in side in a loft on a second story. it stays warm in there. so a week hasgone by since it fell, and i also don't know how to clip the excess stems with no leaves. here comes THE CONCERN the new growth is starting to shrivel the very top is ok but some of the little leaves are shriveling a little some leaves have brown dead tips. I am about to put a fan in and I cracked the window a little but i have a thick pieace of carpet padding covering the window for the night cycle. It's my first time doing this to a full extent can anyone help me I just would like a couple ounces of my own, im sure u guys can relate.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
You flip the bird and then ask for help? Lol that is funny. Good luck getting help while you are being an asshole
You flip the bird and then ask for help? Lol that is funny. Good luck getting help while you are being an asshole
i'm just saying you guys grow all this bad ass shit imm trying to grow mids for the first time and no one will help me. whatever man you dont have to help me your just strress out one more person who will eventually kill someone in the near future if i dont get a good grow.;-)


Well-Known Member
When a plant experiences some kind of traumatic damage, it's best to remove the damaged parts ASAP. What's happening now is the plant is focusing it's energy on healing the damage, and the healthy growth is suffering. Without a picture of the plant, though, it's hard to say if it's possible to fix.

At least you learned something valuable, which is NEVER put your plants on something that can't support their weight. Even my seedlings sit on the ground, and I keep my light on a pulley thing so I can raise it as they grow.
Is 2 40watt plant and aquarium shop lites gonna take care of this plant? the plant doesn't seem to be getting worse, it's just not getting better so i believe it when u say its trying to repair its self and not growing. but should i lop off the branchs at the stalk that dont have leaves on them?
My stalks skin is splitting at the bottom, right at the dirt! What the hell is going on? you can see the inside of the plant. it look like the Incredible Hulk is bursting out! this is kinda strange i have never grew before or actually gotten to this stage,what should i do?try and cover it up with dirt, so its not breathing threw the busted stalk. It looks like someone sliced it with a razor up and down on both sides. PLEASE HELP
I too am having the same thing happen, my babies are 2 weeks from seed and are on the first 5 set, but its only 2 inches tall. It would appear as if its trying to compensate for the mass amounts of foliage it produced this early, and its forcing the skin of the stalk open, i am using both soil and a hydro setup and its happening to both. prolly the fact i got em under a 400W MH. any other help would be awesome too! :)