Forced 12/12 2 Plants Grow Journal

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey man, I dig it!

I been using my phone the whole time so I couldn't really see the pics , but I can see them now...

I didn't wanna lie earlier and say something when I know I didn't see it......I would have a hard time sleeping at night


Well-Known Member
yeah those pics are super-high quality. when you click on them you can practically see the trichomes!


Well-Known Member
glad you could chime in. this thread is very relevant to your own. except I put mine in a separate room that the humidity doesn't build up in.

also, one of them is an autoflowering strain, the smaller one. so I don't have to put her to bed anymore :D. just get to wait till she finishes. the first one I'll continue to do my 12/12. they're both turning out amazing.

by the way I will be taking new pics today :D.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
yeah, the moisture is a problem that i see with throwing a tarp over them or placing them in a tent. i move mine in to a bathroom and then just turn on the fart fan. after it's dark i move them outside again because there is no way in hell i'm waking up at the crack of dawn every morning.


Well-Known Member
Ive been wanting to see some of your outdoor grows for awhile just havent seen a thread. Glad I found this one granted its late. subscribed. Looking good man, should be looking even better in a few weeks time.


glad you could chime in. this thread is very relevant to your own. except I put mine in a separate room that the humidity doesn't build up in.

also, one of them is an autoflowering strain, the smaller one. so I don't have to put her to bed anymore :D. just get to wait till she finishes. the first one I'll continue to do my 12/12. they're both turning out amazing.

by the way I will be taking new pics today :D.

we'll be waiting on those pics;-)


Well-Known Member
here are the new pics :D :
miss bush :D

then miss Stick : (autoflowering strain) I haven't been putting her to bed anymore as I was recently educated that she can't possibly go back into veg so might as well give her that extra 4 hours of light :).

I am VERY stoked :D. they both smell AMAZING.


Well-Known Member
i heard you can stop blacking them out once they are well into flowering, and just leave 'em outside, especially now that the days are getting shorter.



Well-Known Member
i heard you can stop blacking them out once they are well into flowering, and just leave 'em outside, especially now that the days are getting shorter.

I did this with the 'stick' which I'm pretty sure is an autoflowering strain.

I'm still debating whether or not I want to do this with the Bush.


Well-Known Member
harvesting the Stick today.

she's at 10-20% amber trichomes. but since this is a forced harvest and I'm doing this because I need bud I'm going to take her before the 50% mark. 10-20% makes for an awesome high anyways.

will take harvest pics today.