how long for seeds to break soil?


Well-Known Member
ok, so i used the paper towel method for my seeds they had tails growing out the seed. i just put them right into soil (root down) sooo my question is when should i expect them to pop out the soil? this stage is real boring! plant them and wait i guess!


Active Member
ok, so i used the paper towel method for my seeds they had tails growing out the seed. i just put them right into soil (root down) sooo my question is when should i expect them to pop out the soil? this stage is real boring! plant them and wait i guess!
2-4 days, maybe longer


Well-Known Member
ive got the lights on them now just cus nights are cold its 78 where they r with the lights ... i know they dont NEED light but light couldnt hurt could it? just a few cfls.. btw i got automatic white russians anyone familiar with these height high or anything?


Well-Known Member
the best thing to do to encourge root growth is put a heating mat under it..ive had seeds take up to 2 weeks before sprout but they were few and far between


Well-Known Member
the best thing to do to encourge root growth is put a heating mat under it..ive had seeds take up to 2 weeks before sprout but they were few and far between
ohhhh noooo lol im a 1st timer please dont take that long! thanks tho


Well-Known Member
It's way too early to be getting impatient. You have at least the next 2 months to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
It's way too early to be getting impatient. You have at least the next 2 months to look forward to.
true.. but i forgot to mention this is my first time grow so im just worried i did something wrong... 2nd day and no signs of life yet ;( just pots with soil