Removing dead weight


Active Member
Im in the second week of flowering and the bud formation is going really well. I got a couple of lower branches though who are way too short to get enough light in this scrog.

So i ask, is it safe to remove these even though i have induced flowering?

Perhaps i can place them in separate pots and move them to a place where the light is stronger?



Well-Known Member
While it is safe to remove branches in your first 2 week of flowering, it is not recommended as it will probably stunt your maximum possible yield. All the energy put in to those 2 little branches will have been a waste, they should definitely be taken care of in vegetative in advance. But, I've done it before so go ahead bro! If the buds are gonna be super small I'd leave em though, I don't mess with my babes during flower :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i lollipopped my last crop 2 or 3 weeks into flowering with little to no side effects.. you can check the youtube video of my last grow in my sig.. one of those links will take you to it... anyways.. if you are going to remove them do so as soon as possible.. or, if it is possible, pull apart the branches and tie them in place to allow more light to penetrate to the lower branches... but if you do remove them you shouldnt have any problems from it at all...


Active Member
Great, thanks for the imput.

Btw just checked the video, killer plants you got there simpsonsampson420. Someday i hope ill get myself a personal weed jungle like that ^^


Well-Known Member
Great, thanks for the imput.

Btw just checked the video, killer plants you got there simpsonsampson420. Someday i hope ill get myself a personal weed jungle like that ^^

thanks bro.. appriciate the compliments... they are actually down and harvested now... a couple weeks ago going on... actually on a new grow.. switched to hydro and got some new lights in... had some heat issues so far.. but im got that worked out... got a link to the new journal below too.. just dont know which.. feel free to check them out...

good luck bro.. youll get your jungle someday!