Poor Poor Israel


New Member
Well, since you want to miss the point, let me make it clear.

I am referring to the bandwagon of non terrorist tactics.
Well since you missed my point, there would be no bandwagon of terrorists tactics had we not supported Israel for the last 60 years. Israel would not exist and the palestinians would still be herding sheep in Tel-a-viv.


Active Member
Well since you missed my point, there would be no bandwagon of terrorists tactics had we not supported Israel for the last 60 years. Israel would not exist and the palestinians would still be herding sheep in Tel-a-viv.
Israel blatantly misuses there power and is a very warhungry they murdered hundreds of thousands of Palestinians without any consequence .If anybody needs to be disarmed of their nuclear weapons its Israel ,not that would ever happen considering our goverment is run by duel-citizens of Israel .


Well-Known Member
Well since you missed my point, there would be no bandwagon of terrorists tactics had we not supported Israel for the last 60 years. Israel would not exist and the palestinians would still be herding sheep in Tel-a-viv.
Yes, that's a good analysis. You must concur with the "good folks" of the world that a "final solution" is required to solve this dilemma. I guess that would leave a lot more room for the "sheep". Baaaaaa....:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Israel blatantly misuses there power and is a very warhungry they murdered hundreds of thousands of Palestinians without any consequence .If anybody needs to be disarmed of their nuclear weapons its Israel ,not that would ever happen considering our goverment is run by duel-citizens of Israel .
And you blatantly misuse the power of your mind. When Obama cracks down on wasteful thinking, you're up shit creek, my friend.


New Member
Yes, that's a good analysis. You must concur with the "good folks" of the world that a "final solution" is required to solve this dilemma. I guess that would leave a lot more room for the "sheep". Baaaaaa....:dunce:
One would "assume" from this post, you are Jewish. No offence to the Jews, But, I wish I could find a final solution for you,~LOL~. You are always poking with your dull ass stick.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
terrorist is a term for the poor with weapons soldier is a term for the stronger sides fighters. what do you think the founding fathers of the us were called back then before the english were defeated. what were the american indians to the colonists or vice versa? israel is in the wrong and will get whats coming to them by there own choices of action. they kill many people the good as well as guilty without much care. how would you fight if you had to engage a well equipped army and had minimal arms yourself?

Absolute bullshit. Terrorists are not soldiers. Thats effin rediculous. What country are they OFFICIALY soldiers for? Bullchit! Bullchit! bullchit!


Well-Known Member
Well since you missed my point, there would be no bandwagon of terrorists tactics had we not supported Israel for the last 60 years. Israel would not exist and the palestinians would still be herding sheep in Tel-a-viv.
Well, since you missed my point to make your point, it makes your point a little invalid.

Quite frankly, you seem to think that these Islamic fundamentalists would not be using terror tactics at all, period.

You seem to have the Middle East confused for the West.

It's ok though, the mind starts to go when you get older. :)


New Member
Well, since you missed my point to make your point, it makes your point a little invalid.

Quite frankly, you seem to think that these Islamic fundamentalists would not be using terror tactics at all, period.

You seem to have the Middle East confused for the West.

It's ok though, the mind starts to go when you get older. :)
You should be so lucky.


Well-Known Member
"Absolute bullshit. Terrorists are not soldiers. Thats effin rediculous. What country are they OFFICIALY soldiers for? Bullchit! Bullchit! bullchit!"

What if we were invaded and occupied?
You would probably wait around for someone in a uniform it come save your country?
These people have a religious imparitive to boot infidels out of Islamic territory.
You may not like it, it may not make sence to you but its a fact.
As far as I'm concerned they are soldiers.
Sence when do you need a president and an army to stand up for your beleifs.

Officialy, Phhht. Like I need government permission to rebel WTF.
Did our founders ask for a by your leave:
"your highness it would be ever so kind of you to give us permission to shoot your soldiers."


Active Member
And you blatantly misuse the power of your mind. When Obama cracks down on wasteful thinking, you're up shit creek, my friend.
Im confused whats your argument here ? Thats the problem with this country whenever anything is said about Israel people are either called racist or liars.The sad fact is were ALL UP SHITS CREEK with Obama as president.Now answer me what is that term "wasteful thinking".what you mean that it doesnt benefit you or youre idiotic socialist views.Dont worry It will probally be crime to have free -thought soon.MORON


Well-Known Member
i hope obama cracks down soon.
ive been a little bored lately i need one more hobby.
i wonder..the britts called the colonists rebels wasnt it back then..and all kinds of other names im sure.
the patriots were farmers who would stand cowardly behind trees and rocks and shoot the britts down as they would march in columns wearing bright red coats that helped make wonderfull targets through large smoke clouds of black powder.
the so called battle of bunker hill was fought through a afternoon..it was actualy fought on breeds hill.
the britts suffered terrible loss's . they lines up and marched up the hill and the patriots shot them down and hardly got a scratch on them.when evening came they all just packed up and left and went home to their familys for dinner .
what was then called loyalists..what we know call liberals were not well treated by the patriots . many of them fled to canada rather then be hung or tared and feathered.
i always thought it would be funny to tar and feather a liberal.
some people would suffocate when they were tared and feathered.
i think some plain black roofing tar could be used to tar a liberal and a couple of feather pillows for the feathers would work.
LOL..do you know how hard it would be to get that shit off? can you imagine a liberal finnaly looking as stupid as they really are.?a great big giant black chicken with feathers stuck to it.the hospital staff would break down laughing im sure..no one has been tared and feathered for years..barney frank and nancy pelosi sounds like a couple of good candidates to start with.


Well-Known Member
Communism at its finest folks.Your'e a sheep baaaaaaaaaa
At least you are a commie hating sheep? :clap: Wooly behind the ears, and fluff for brain, still.

Israel blatantly misuses there power and is a very warhungry they murdered hundreds of thousands of Palestinians without any consequence .If anybody needs to be disarmed of their nuclear weapons its Israel ,not that would ever happen considering our goverment is run by duel-citizens of Israel .


Active Member
At least you are a commie hating sheep? :clap: Wooly behind the ears, and fluff for brain, still.
What the hell are you talking about ?You saying Obama should crack down on people who think like me .your statement is idiotic and pro -communist any goverment that prohibits free speech is tyrannical.Whats Obama gonna do to me send his Obama gestapo after me?

Whats sad the atrocities that has Israel commited?


Active Member
What the hell are you talking about ?You saying Obama should crack down on people who think like me .your statement is idiotic and pro -communist any goverment that prohibits free speech is tyrannical.Whats Obama gonna do to me send his Obama gestapo after me?


Well-Known Member
I just want to say that i think the idea of " land ownership " is ridiculous in it's entirety. How can you " own " something that is ever changing, was there before you ever came along, and will be there long after you are gone. Who did you " buy " it from, and who " sold " it to them. Or who did you " take " it from, and who did they " take " it from. Up here, we have people say " I own that river, stream, creek, etc. " Really, how the fuck are you going to own a river. Give me a break. And when you take religion, which should be seperate from everything except what's in your own mind, and add it to the mix, well, obviously everything just gets more fucked up. We are one species, living on one planet. You either care about every person on the planet, or you care only about yourself. Everything for everone, or nothing for anyone. You choose.:peace:


Well-Known Member
What the hell are you talking about ?You saying Obama should crack down on people who think like me .

Whats Obama gonna do to me send his Obama gestapo after me?
Not should. Will. And not on this topic. You and he are in total agreement, on this.

Yep. Brownshirts.