Help me get 1lb per plant from my 7' sativas please


Well-Known Member
They're in 6 gallon buckets of FFOF, are just about 7' tall and maybe 3' around ea on average.

Using 1kw open vertical hps's, 3 ATM but more to come when needed.

I'll be supercropping again tomorrow and will probably veg them back to 7' once more before flipping to 12/12 and will be tying them to chicken wire when the weight comes on.

Does this sound anywhere near sufficient to get 1lb plants? They've been vegging nearly 6mo but under less than ideal conditions for a while earlier on.

These were in hydro before and just went into soil a couple weeks ago.

In hydro they were on Grow Aqua plus Hygrozyme.

I need some reccomendations on a good nutrient for soil too, and preferrably some mix known to be pretty good at buffering ph problems in soil and all inclusive would be nice so I don't have to buy a ton of expensive stuff.

Remember 1lb goal, am I close and what will it take 2 kw per plant of light enough or should I go 3? Double the size of my pots once more before flipping or could I get by with the 6 gallon pots with maybe 5 gallons of FFOF actually in them? I'd sure like to keep them in these pots if possible even though I know I'll have to water and or feed daily.

I've never attempted plants this size before, never had the space and light, and all my experience on larger plants is just Indica's to 4' bushes so I can't even begin to guess what size a sativa actually needs to be to get 1lb. For the last several years I've been going closet grows so this is quite a change and I could use tips from the guys who have actually done monster indoor soil grows please.

I have great amounts of branching, topped and supercropped a couple times along the way so I think I have a fairly good start on things but I don't even recall seeing any previous 1lb sativa indoor grows. IF there are any please let me know how to find them so I can eyeball the right time to flip etc.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
6 months? Awesome! I can see waiting that long as I am now growing trees too. Letting theme veg forever sounds almost fun as they grow.

Bmp this post, and give us some pics. I guess gj, got to look for this.

Hope it is jack, I want to see.

I am thinking some compost teas, some batguano topdress and pure blend pro cant get you wrong. Also add some myco like rooters for 10 bucks. The blue mountain organic is nice. I am finishing a grow with it. The sample smoke is killer.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
My methods to grow big yielding plants consists of FIMming, trimming and LST. I use 15gal pots and grow in coco which I think helps aswell. My last grow got about 2lbs per plant in a total of about 16 weeks and you can check out my journal link in my sig for more details.

I think your goal could be easily achieved.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I worry about getting the strength wrong on teas though Tea Tree. It's hard to judge the right strength isn't it?

And no they're not Jack, they're AK/ATF crosses and one single blueberry f2.

Mblaze your grow journal will certainly help a lot. If I get even close to your yield I'll be a very happy camper. Here's a pic from about two weeks ago, the most recent pic I have of them when they had just 1kw light. Looks to me like I may have vegged them larger than I needed for that 1lb goal already, what do you think?

The ones that appear short in the pic were just supercropped heavily and ravaged for clones and then stunted by my mistaking a deficiency for overfertilizing. Growth hasn't been that great since on a few of them. They'll have some catching up to do before I'll flower all six. I'm thinking perpetual now because of that.



Well-Known Member
damn those are nice and big, i would say possibly a pound right now, but you cant really tell unless you have grown it before and know how the genetics will affect the yield.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can get an pound from a plant in a 5 gallon container...
I agree with you, I think they're going to need a lot more root space to support full flowering. Looking at Mblaze's grow using 15 gallons of coco makes me think I might need 30 gallons of dirt ea to come close. But I just put these in the 6 gallon buckets maybe three weeks ago max and I don't think there's a chance they're ready with enough roots to hold together during transplant yet.

Believe it or not they were in 16oz cups for their entire life before that. They reached maybe 4' tall in those cups and then hit their limit. (Or rather hit my limit, ran out of patience with them.)

Because of their size I skipped 1,2,3,4,5 gallon pots and just went straight into these 6 gallon buckets. I know you aren't supposed to do anything the way I've done it, but oh well. They started out for a 16oz grow cup contest but I eventually gave up on the contest idea when they vegged so big it looked impossible to flower them the way they were.

Here's a pic of what they looked like in 16oz cups back in the day. Looking back maybe I'm off on my dates, I really didn't keep track. Now that I think about it though I got the seeds mid feb so they aren't yet 6 months, closer to 5. I'm still pretty sure it's only been 3 weeks since transplant though maybe it could be 4.

I'm going to have to transplant into short wide containers or they'll be too tall for the room they're in at the moment, and I'll need to do it as soon as the roots are ready or things are going to get really out of hand over here.



Well-Known Member
Also, think of how much they'll stretch when they begin to flower. Sativas are notorious for doubling or even tripling in size!

Yea I've anticopated that and I'm hoping all the topping and supercropping will help keep the stretch manageable but either way if it did triple I wouldn't actually complain about it. I'd just bend them over and tie them however was necessary.

I went looking for suitable sized containers to transplant in and it looks like I'm going to use something like the 35 gallon rubbermaid bins. They're about the same height as the buckets I have now, just wider, so that'll be ok.

These could end up absolutely rediculous. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
idk i think if u flowered them soon u dont need bigger pots i use 1 gallons for all of mine biggest pot i have used is 3 gallons at the towords the end of their lifes u just might have to water more if u read the thread fdd made about not having root rot and harvesting pounds u might think different. but 6 gallons even with those big plants i think u be okay but instead of water once every 4-5 days u might have to water every 2 days and close to harvest if roots grow like crazy everday but i cant imagine

B Irie

I think if you spent six months veggin them so big you should put them in 15 or 20 gal at least and give them some more time to establish roots. You will be glad you did because they will support way more flowers with a sufficient root system. Good work, That's crazy how good they look for being in 16 oz cups!


Well-Known Member
I'll have to try and pull one out and see if the roots hold yet. One month to establish enough roots to fill 6 gallons from a tiny 16oz plug? I'll be impressed if it holds up and really disappointed if it rips my roots up when it falls apart.

Then again I have had explosive growth up top compared to what they were in the cups in that short amount of time so hmmm, maybe...

I'll know later today after I pick up more soil and a couple bins.

I'm already regretting using soil. I had these buckets for a nice DWC double bucket system but fell short on cash for a suitable air pump and other little bits but now I'll be spending that same amount on all the soil and crap. Oh well, I can use the bins for hydro later I guess.