Watering everyday a problem?


Active Member
Ive got 2 plants that I just transplanted a couple days ago and now the soil is drying up much faster than when in little cups. I just watered them yesturday around noon and now the soil is dry. Should I just wait another day to water or will it be ok to water them because they are basically completly dry?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i got the same problem bro.. i ordered a moisture meter to guide me instead of guessing and possibly deprive or flood my babies


New Member
Are you saying to transplant them into pots?
yipp, your cups must be to small if they are drying up so early, remove the cup and put in a pot, about 5ltr should be cool for the now, i pot on 3 times, small, med, large.
Buy yourself some clay balls and place them around the top of the soil, it will not let then dry up to fast, lift them up when you water and feel the diffrence in the weight to when they need waterd, saves on the guess work, if they feel light like really light they need water, try not to wait till the soil is coming away from the sides, this lets in light to the roots. not good.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying to transplant them into pots?

If you're drying up that fast then yes move them into pots that are bigger. Then they won't dry up so fast.

You didn't transplant them into a soil with a really high perlite content did you? If you did then that would dry up very fast and it could be a soil problem...well not a problem it would be foing what it's supposed to do, but not good for you.


Active Member
I would never flood the gals but I dont want to not water them enuf if theyre in need of h20. Seems like they are in need. The soil is dry as a bone. I think its my lights drying the soil out. But its not too hot in the room???


Well-Known Member
I would never flood the gals but I dont want to not water them enuf if theyre in need of h20. Seems like they are in need. The soil is dry as a bone. I think its my lights drying the soil out. But its not too hot in the room???

When you water you should have about a 10% run off. It's good to let a bit of water out the bottom then you know the soil is all moist and also stops you from getting any nutrient build up in the soil.


Active Member
Yeah Im think every 2 days since my soil drys up so fast. I heard the plants love getting watered an hour after the lights are turned on?


Well-Known Member
It probably is the lights. If the top part is dry but the inside is moist then thats not bad. Probably low humidity to.


Well-Known Member
hey buddy :P Yeah this is a question i've been debating meself on as well. I water everymorning before i go to work. Or in the morning when i get off work. But its always at about 6am. The plant is never dry when i water it. But i never water it till there is drainage either. But the plant is not whelting or anything. Its dark green and seems to be growing exceptionally well :P


Active Member
I would start waiting until the soil drys up before watering. Instead of watering every morning i would water them in the morning every 2 days just in case of overwatering. Dont want anything bad to happen once your plant gets nice and big


Active Member
Ive got 2 plants that I just transplanted a couple days ago and now the soil is drying up much faster than when in little cups. I just watered them yesturday around noon and now the soil is dry. Should I just wait another day to water or will it be ok to water them because they are basically completly dry?:leaf:
i water the S H I T out of mine,i soak the soil about 3 times a day,just enough to put about a half inch of the stem under water;make sure you got good drainage and it probally shouldent matter


Active Member
I would start waiting until the soil drys up before watering. Instead of watering every morning i would water them in the morning every 2 days just in case of overwatering. Dont want anything bad to happen once your plant gets nice and big
i water the shit out of my plant and yet i never have any problems;its about a foot and some tall.you think that i shouldent water it as much because i never have had overwatering be a factor


Active Member
Can you put up some pic of the plant smokeyMC? If I watered my plants that much that would be like trying to survive a hurricane buddy.


Well-Known Member
i water the shit out of my plant and yet i never have any problems;its about a foot and some tall.you think that i shouldent water it as much because i never have had overwatering be a factor [/QUOTI]

Im not sure man, but if your not having any problems and she looks healthy then keep it up i guess :P lol. Its just a weed right? Do whatever works for you more or less. Your plant will tell you if u over water it. Mine seems to be doing fine as well, but i am going to try to water every second day i think to see how that works. Just to compare. Then i will go from there :) Ill send you some pics tomorrow of my plant now man.