About to do this deal and I dont want to get ripped off...

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Lmao. For all you know, he could be dead. Not many people deserve that. What you did was deplorable. If you want people to take you seriously, use your brain. Just because you didn't like the guy doesn't mean he deserved whatever happened.

He can't be dead because cops would have swarmed my house looking for answers. I shouldn't have said he desered it but it was coming to the guy. He acts like a bad ass then someone who was tougher put him in his place. It's that simple.
in montana mid grade which is what you are talking about goes for 800$-1200$ for 1/2 pound depending on your connect in washington mid would go for considerably less 400$-800$ again depending on your connect so there are many variables to consider where are you and who you are purchasing from
He can't be dead because cops would have swarmed my house looking for answers. I shouldn't have said he desered it but it was coming to the guy. He acts like a bad ass then someone who was tougher put him in his place. It's that simple.

:lol: Maybe he found God too! Praise be to Lard.
I'm in new York and those are the prices I was looking for at the time. Honestly none of it would have ever happened if we didn't feel cheated. And taint you just love making fun of the lord. Live it up bro.
dude i cant believe you i just read the whole thread...you are not very smart at all...your lucky you didnt get your dumbass shot...you aint smart to try to rob a dealer most dealers are packing some kind of heat....

and save your god shit for some1 who cares i dont wish to asociate with weed theives....

peace out....

also you should be banned for what you have said in this post we dont respect or like weed thieves!
dude i cant believe you i just read the whole thread...you are not very smart at all...your lucky you didnt get your dumbass shot...you aint smart to try to rob a dealer most dealers are packing some kind of heat....

and save your god shit for some1 who cares i dont wish to asociate with weed theives....

peace out....

also you should be banned for what you have said in this post we dont respect or like weed thieves!

Whatever bro. This is one thing I'd like to forget about in my life and posting it to people who I thought would be down with my plans was a bad idea. But you live and you learn I was a noob and that's the only thing I ever tried to steal in my life. Rest assured I'm a changed man today and that's all that matters.
I find it very and I mean VERY hard to believe that your first attempt at stealing something was for a pound of pot or however much you attempted to steal.
and i find it very hard to believe ur a man at all..... u felt cheated??

Cios im st8 done with u clown...just know i wont forget about ur mis doings...
I find it very and I mean VERY hard to believe that your first attempt at stealing something was for a pound of pot or however much you attempted to steal.

Yup never stole anything in my life bro. Maybe when I was 5 I tried to take some chips fromthe store but that's about it. People always stole from me though lol. Looking back I had everything as a little kid so I can't blame em to much.
It's crazy how some people don't believe in second chances. Change comes from inside and you can't see a person inside. Open your eyes and realize not everyone who has done something bad in the past is out to get you.
Noone thinks you're out to get them. We just don't like a theif. Sure, god may forgive you if that's what you want to believe. But leave that shit out of here. There's a forum for that. Just a few minutes ago you were cool with that dude and now you never liked him..... I really do believe this story is completely fabricated. There's no way any one human being could suck this hard.
If god forgives me that's the only thing that matters to tell you the truth. Yea I won't lie I never liked the guy and honestly no I wasn't cool with him but sometimes he would make us laugh after a good smoke. Over all he was a bad person. Either way all this happened long ago and the past should be left there.
If god forgives me that's the only thing that matters to tell you the truth. Yea I won't lie I never liked the guy and honestly no I wasn't cool with him but sometimes he would make us laugh after a good smoke. Over all he was a bad person. Either way all this happened long ago and the past should be left there.

so as long as god forgives you it's ok? :shock:
I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this whole story....you threw out the idea of jacking someone to sound hard and now that too many people caught on to your story you are throwing this pistol whipping story for a cover. Not that I beleive a word of it nor does it matter what I beleive I would like to hear more of the story such as you and your homies went to this guys house to rob him and your buddy got p whipped What did you plan on robbing them with? did you have a gun? soo what you knocked on the door and say hi can i buy some weed and he let you in then you said hey gimme all your weed and he said no but im gonna hit your friend with my gun but you can run away, lol from my experience none of this adds up, and btw whoever is saying once a thief always a thief would have to beleive the same with everything else...once a cheater always, once a murderer always, once a drug addict always.....people can change it takes time but if you cant beleive people change i feel sorry for you
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