Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
Ohhh betta than irie...... Waz the feeling u get on shrooms ? Infuckincredible thaz it ahahahaahaha


New Member
Yes, that's my personal orchid pic.

Believe me I identified that wild lettuce by keying it out ahead of time. :lol: They said it would be bitter.... and they were right!


Well-Known Member
didu catch this reprint i have of some bridge ...it a George Summer piece ..big artist from the bay area that does alot of ocean oil paints...her she be.



New Member
My wife wanted to grow some orchids, so i would dutifully pick up any I thought were interesting along my travels. After three years or so, I noticed they were constrained and showing black spots and a general malaise. So I asked "the orchid boss" about them, and she replied she thought it was bad to divide Orchids. I agreed and but added they still need room to grow. Then I asked her what was she feeding them. She replied, she couldn't remember. She was only giving them fert once a year! :lol:

Oh I said.... now I have been married too long to make the mistake of telling any woman she is dead wrong. I suggested she let me take over for awhile and see if I couldn't nudge them along, since she is a very busy person. "I want to help"... :wink:

Lo and behold. not too many months pass and she is like WOW!!! What did you do? :lol:

I've been doing it ever since...at her insistence.

That's how you stay married folks... that's how.


Well-Known Member
my mom was a real shroom hunter, and carried her little book around with her ..... and re-checked things upon coming home. I learned a lot from her in terms of that kinds curiosity and research


New Member
my mom was a real shroom hunter, and carried her little book around with her ..... and re-checked things upon coming home. I learned a lot from her in terms of that kinds curiosity and research
Yes, that's the way to do it. Better to check thrice, than die once.

If I come across a mushroom, I always key it to the family and hopefully the genus. After that only a spore print can codify identification. Spore prints are mushroom fingerprints.....the only true way for unknown mushrooms...

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey TM, I got it. that picture is SICK!!! much props to your homie!!

morning Tahoe, nice to have your presence

I said this before and I'll say it again,...you are a very wise man CJ ;)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
sunrise !!

no wonder my plant is doing fine.....must be my aumakua..

aumakua in hawaiian is/means family or personal gods,*ancestors actually* who take shape or form such as the mano *shark*, mo'o*gecko*, honu*turtle*,moa*chicken*.....well, you get the point. but they take form to watch over you and guide you through life.....

that lizard*mo'o*, must be one of my ancestors........




Well-Known Member
our natural world is wondrous ..... thanks for sharing them thoughts and photos ...walking on!~