buds wont fill out

dr venture

Active Member
hey guys i'm having a few probs with my plants hitting a wall around week 7 of the flowering period....... i'm operating a 4 tray SoG system with individual tanks for each tray, i run 1.6 EC on tanks 2 & 3 and an EC of 1.4 on tanks 1 & 4..... ph is usually between 5.5 and 6.0......i use canna pk13-14 in week 6 for 1 week only and the nutes i use are called dutch master.

the flowering room is sealed from the mums via a panda curtain and im not sure if this is the source of my woes......you see when i go in at lights off (flowering room) the panda looks like almost and iridecent orange (due to the mums light on the other side) i'm not sure if this is enough light to screw with the plants cycle cause i cant see a thing in the room just the glow from the curtain.....also it about 10 degrees celsius at night at the moment but i'm set up for lights on at night (to keep the warmth up) so would this be a contributing factor????

If anyone could throw me a bone i would greatly appreciate it as at the moment im kinda stumped as to what to do..........cheers

Represent '86 buuuunnnnnggggggggg


Well-Known Member
if ur using a hydroponic res def dont put any sticky stuff in there to clog ur system...no mollassas..they make carb supplements that can be used in lew of mollassas if ur runnin hydro..and if ur soil Ya, 1-2teaspoons per gallon every other feeding is my routine...


Well-Known Member
shit i kinda didnt realize he was using hydroponics my bad definatly dont use mollases sorry my mistake.for future reference i use 1tsp per gallon somtimes more.


Well-Known Member
flicking a lighter by a plant in flowering mode is said to be enough to stunt the plant