Expert eye required!


Firstly I just wanted to say I have read alot of stuff to try and figure out the problem im having, i didnt want to just post the message when it will have been answered many times before.

its nothing major, mainly leaves curling down and some mild nute burn (I think).
I have uploaded a few pics, 1 showing problem, another showing the top which i think looks ok.

Here are the stats;-
Strain: White Widow
Source: Seed (germinated in rockwool cubes on tues 5th may 2009, shoot visible by fri 8th may)
Light: 250w CFL (blue vegging 1 at the moment).
Medium: Compost/Soil
Feed: Flora
Feed quantity & frequency: 11fl Oz every 48hrs
Soil PH: 7
Also, extractor fan stays on for good airflow, and 9" oscillating desk fan gently blows across leaves.

Additional info.... after suspected over feeding with nutes i have been giving just normal filtered water for the past week or so.

From doing some reading i suspect it may be potassium or nitrogen deficciency.

Both are sexed as ladies (out of 3 seeds germd took a cutting off each and placed under 12/12 in a cup of water).

Hope any of you champion growers can offer any advice or tips, as this is my first attempt i am keen to learn :-)

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
ur trying to do a hydro system with soil, nope wont work. to wet for the soil. I bet u have changed soil ph and it is locking out the nutes, hence nute defiecey, curling down leaves. LOL


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Over Watering:
The plants in figure 5 were on a continous drip system, where nutrient solution is constantly being pumped into the medium. This tends to keep the entire root system completely saturated. A better way would be to periodically feed the plants, say for 1/2 hour every 2-3 hours. This would give the roots a chance to get needed air to them, and prevent root rot and other problems.
Don't be throw off by the fact that the plants in figure 5 are sitting in still water, this is actually an H2O2 solution used to try and correct the problem. Adding an airstone to the tub would also help add O2 to the solution.



PH reading taken from the soil itself, just been adding nutes to the water in ratios got online.
Any suggestion of what i can do next?



Well-Known Member
PH reading taken from the soil itself, just been adding nutes to the water in ratios got online.
Any suggestion of what i can do next?

gh in dirt is no problem.

as for the plants, they look like they're booming to me. plants that are growing extremely fast will usually bubble or curl down. unless you're seeing other issues like yellowing or burnt tips, i wouldn't worry a bit.


gh in dirt is no problem.

as for the plants, they look like they're booming to me. plants that are growing extremely fast will usually bubble or curl down. unless you're seeing other issues like yellowing or burnt tips, i wouldn't worry a bit.

The male i removed had slight yellowing inbetween the veins on 1 of the lowest big fan leaves but the ladies dont.

They are 8 weeks from seed and are 50cm tall (from the top of soil, not the floor), is this decent growth for 8 weeks?


Well-Known Member
they look great for 8 weeks. for the yellowing at the veins add cal/mag 1tsp per gallon to your normal nute mixture. use every res change, both in veg and flower. cal/mag is great stuff.


Well-Known Member
Looks like overwatering to me, In soil you really shouldn't have to water more than once every 4 days. Other than that it looks REALLY GOOD, in fact your problems seem very minor. If thats the worst it ever gets you will grow a mighty fine crop.


Looks like overwatering to me, In soil you really shouldn't have to water more than once every 4 days. Other than that it looks REALLY GOOD, in fact your problems seem very minor. If thats the worst it ever gets you will grow a mighty fine crop.
I did also take into account overwatering so as an experiment i didnt water the male for a few days and it started to droop a bit, a splash of water and it picked itself back up again within an hour.

I will try 36hrs between watering and put some nutes back in an see how it goes.

Thanks matey :-)