what sex ??? lots of pics


Hi this is my first grow i have two plants hear are some pictures if you guys could help me tell its sex i think its a she but not sure .any help would be appreciated thx



Active Member
I can kinda see something.. are you in flower yet? It looks like there directly in the ground. Some times out door plants can show early but... those pics aren't the best


its out door grow i live in up state ny and i planted mid to late may i think it should be now but not sure when i look in person u can see a little bit but im not an expert so i cant really tell but it looks like a really little ball with tiny white spot on top


Well-Known Member
Get me closer and i'll tell you. i think they are showing already. i need a SERIOUS macro of the node. I have some pics of my plants that might help... i'll post in a sec.


Well-Known Member

This is a boy. see the tiny tiny beginning of the male flower? No white hair coming out of that thing = boy.

In my sig is a girl. if you can see ANY kind of thing coming out from the node like above, look for a tiny white hair. if there i one, GIRL. If not, BOY.


i just toke another pic but its raining out side now so there is water and really hard to tell ill post them upsoon