wtf is up with this`?


Active Member
Last night i was with a couple of friends chilling out and one of them started talking about weed, claiming that he needs 4-5 joints to get an "effect". Keep in mind that this is the kind of guy that talks alot of shit. So i laughed in his face, figured he was smoking really low quality shit and pulled out my notorious weed bag. We rolled one fucker up and lit it, first two hits got me the feeling of "shit man here we go". Three more and it hit me like a freight train, i was already giggling and starting to imagine stuff. Nevertheless i was real fucked up.

But no, this fucker smoked atleast four times more than me and not much, apparently, happened for him. He wasn't taking any noob hits, i made sure of that. He claims to have smoked before, but not for a very long time. Me personally is being visited by mary jane very regularly so it cant have much to do with resistance.


Well-Known Member
so you start giggling after 3 hits .. tells me you aint that much of a smoker, wich tells me that maybe you dont know what bomb stuff is maybe ?

maybe you had shit weed :D and you both talk crap ?

but idk.


Well-Known Member
Why are you guys hating on him for taking 3 hits and being high? If I dont smoke all day and take three hits I start to get a little buzz.

He most likely isnt inhaling properly, alot of beginners think they are inhaling but they are just putting it in their mouth. Give him a bong and see if he needs 4-5 joints worth to get high. That will lay him on his ass.


Well-Known Member
Why are you guys hating on him for taking 3 hits and being high? If I dont smoke all day and take three hits I start to get a little buzz.

He most likely isnt inhaling properly, alot of beginners think they are inhaling but they are just putting it in their mouth. Give him a bong and see if he needs 4-5 joints worth to get high. That will lay him on his ass.
haha hell yea I'm with this guy

grow space

Well-Known Member
phhhhh-even i start to feel the vibe after 3 what?i have smoked a killa stash and i only taked one large hit and was high-so what?????
every person is difrent.


Well-Known Member
It takes me to the end of the blunt to get high and thats by myself no sharing so if you hit it 3 times and you get high then thats being a pansy.

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
I have a friend who I've completely stopped smoking with because of this. While I have a pleasantly low tolerance, this guy is pretty big and can smoke four bowls to himself before anything happens. Or, at least, before he will admit to anything happening.

I am completely of the belief that it's all mental. Even though he says he's not high, he's still tripping over shit and doing genuinely stupid things. All because he doesn't want to admit to being stoned. It's really weird.

And I'm known for my quality, kind bud. This is no shwag. Just a weird guy who doesn't know his own body.


Well-Known Member
It takes me to the end of the blunt to get high and thats by myself no sharing so if you hit it 3 times and you get high then thats being a pansy.
calling bullshit...or you smoke reg. It's possible that the OP got some super dank shit ANYONE can get fucked up off even one hit if the weeds good enough.


Well-Known Member
deffiantly calling bullshit ...mysticlown how can you say that...i bet you couldnt finish smoken a fat ass keef blunt....that would put your ass to sleep...haha

what kind of stash you got? how can you smoke a whole blunt and not start feeling it til the end...


Active Member
I'm a super light weight. What we have now is mids, and it takes about three hits for a buzz, five or six to be high. I've only been smoking for four months now, but when I first started I could get super high off of three hits of regs.


Well-Known Member
Says the guy that tried to steal a half pound of MIDS.....
Dude you wont stop will you? when is it enough for you to the point you are full instead of hungering for more people to join your klan against me. It was not MY IDEA to steal mids. I don't even fucking smoke mids and ill post a pic of what im smoking right now which aint no mid garbage hermi black weed from the slums of the ghettoest part of mexico. Its the finest dank you will ever see for awhile no offense to anyone else but this shit is pro. You think i was going to smoke that nasty mids garbage? its not even in my encyclopedia.


Well-Known Member
Dude you wont stop will you? when is it enough for you to the point you are full instead of hungering for more people to join your klan against me. It was not MY IDEA to steal mids. I don't even fucking smoke mids and ill post a pic of what im smoking right now which aint no mid garbage hermi black weed from the slums of the ghettoest part of mexico. Its the finest dank you will ever see for awhile no offense to anyone else but this shit is pro. You think i was going to smoke that nasty mids garbage? its not even in my encyclopedia.
Now roll a blunt with your shit, smoke it, and tell me you're not high till the bullshit dude you said you started smoking at 18 and you're 19 no way your tolerance could be that high.